These are selected talks that members of The New Ethos have been giving at conferences and workshops. Look for talks in the future, if you would like to meet us in person and listen to what we are currently up to.
Invited talks
K. Budzynska (2025) TBC, Rhetoric in Society 9, 18-21 June 2025, University of Zagreb, Croatia
M. Koszowy (2024) Reasoning Patterns and Paraphrase: Two Ajdukiewiczian Inspirations for Discourse and Argumentation Studies, Logic, Language, Cognition: Symposium in Honor of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz (1890-1963), 13 Jan 2024, University of Warsaw, Poland
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy (2023) Ethos Analytics, 2023 Interdisciplinary Speaker Series on the Ethics of Argumentation, 01 Dec 2023, online
K. Budzynska, Y. Sviatsilnikava (2023) Data Analytics: Uncovering patterns and trends in public discourse, IMPAQTS Implicit Manipulation in Public Discourse: Quantitative and Qualitative approaches, 27-28 April 2023, Università Roma Tre, Rome (Italy)
K. Kiljan (2023) Linguistic and visual markers of ethos in social media, European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis Closing Conference (Young Scholars Roundtable), 24 March 2023, Lisbon (Portugal)
K. Budzynska (2021) The Role of Ethos in Natural Language Argumentation, keynote talk at the 3rd Workshop on Argument Strength, 11-13 Oct 2021, Hagen (Germany)
K. Budzynska (2021) Is ad hominem a support? Normative vs descriptive models of language use, ARENA (Analysis, Reconstruction, and Evaluation of Arguments), 24 June 2021, Bratislava (Slovakia)
K. Budzynska (2021) Trust and AI: From Rhetoric to Natural Language Processing, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science at the Warsaw University of Technology, 10 June 2021, Warsaw (Poland)
Katarzyna Budzynska (2020) Computational Ethos, The Workshop on Explainable User Models and Personalized Systems (ExUM) at the 28th ACM Conference on User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP ’20), 18 July 2020, Genoa (Italy)
Katarzyna Budzynska (2018) Ethotic Structures in Argumentation, ArgHumantation Workshop: Research and Practice(s) of Argumentation, 3 May 2018, Media Innovation Labs (MIL/UPorto), Porto (Portugal)
K. Budzynska (2016) Arguments and Ethos in Dialogical Context, keynote talk at the 2nd Summer School on Argumentation: Computational and Linguistic Perspectives (SSA 2016), 8-12 Sept 2016, co-located with the 6th International Conference on Computational Models of Argumentation (COMMA’16), 14-16 Sept 2016, Potsdam (Germany)
Invited contributions
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy (2025): panelists in the discussion “Language studies and polarisation” at Debating Debates seminar series, 23 Jan 2025 (online)
K. Budzynska (2024): a panelist in the discussion “ChatGPT, Gemini and the rest: subtitle-generating machines or an outspoken intelligent entity?” at Science Festival, 28 Sept 2024, Warsaw (Poland)
K. Budzynska (2024): a panelist in the discussion “A brave new world?” at 5th Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PP-RAI’2024), 18-20 Apr 2024, Warsaw (Poland)
Other talks
M. Kulik, K. Budzynska, E. Gajewska, M. Hinton (2024) Ethical Approach to Hate Speech: Foundations for Computational and Legal Accounts, Ethics and AI, Philosophy in Informatics IX & 19th ArgDiaP Conference, 23-25 September 2024, Warsaw University of Technology
M. Welle, M. Koszowy (2024) Fake News in Reformulated Messages: Towards Expanding the Toolset for Identifying Misinformation, Ethics and AI, Philosophy in Informatics IX & 19th ArgDiaP Conference, 23-25 September 2024, Warsaw University of Technology
M. Koszowy, M. Uberna (2024) Linguistic Evidence for Rephrase Types: A Theoretically-Driven Justification for Corpus Studies, 4th Argumentation & Language (ARGAGE) Conference, 25-27 June 2024, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Gajewska Ewelina, Budzynska Katarzyna (2024) Digital polarisation: Analysis of ‘us’ versus ‘them’ rhetoric in public discussions on social media, 5th Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence PP-RAI’2024, 18-20 April 2024, Warsaw University of Technology
Kulik Maciej, Gajewska Ewelina, Uberna Maciej, Budzynska Katarzyna, Konat Barbara, Zhang He (2024) Rhetorical styles of politicians: Emotions expressed during elections in the US, UK, Canada and Australia, 5th Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence PP-RAI’2024, 18-20th April 2024, Warsaw University of Technology
Budzynska Katarzyna, Gajewska Ewelina, Koszowy Marcin, Kulik Maciej, Raźniak Waldemar, Uberna Maciej, Zhang He (2023) Corpora and Analytics for Ethos, Pathos and Logos: Towards the Study of Rhetoric in Digital Society, Ethos, Explainability and Technology workshop series, 18th December 2023, Warsaw University of Technology
Budzynska Katarzyna, Koszowy Marcin, Gajewska Ewelina, Kulik Maciej, Razniak Waldemar, Uberna Maciej , Zhang He (2023) Philosophy and Technology in The New Ethos, Department of Philosophy and Ethics in Administration seminar series, 5th December 2023, Warsaw University of Technology
Marcin Koszowy, Katarzyna Budzynska, Magdalena Pazderska, Waldemar Raźniak, Maciej Uberna (2023) Logos in Debates on Religion: Analysis and Visualisation, 4th World Congress on Logic and Religion, September 3-8, Sinaia, Romania
Marcin Koszowy, Konrad Kiljan, Maciej Uberna (2023) Argumentative Strategies to (Re)Position Speaker’s Ethos, 10th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation – ISSA 2023, July 4-7, Leiden, The Netherlands
Marcin Koszowy, Konrad Kiljan, Maciej Uberna (2023) Rephrase Types in Argumentation: Corpora and Analytics, 8th International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics – PHILANG 2023, May 12-13, Lodz, Poland
Katarzyna Budzynska, Barbara Konat, Ewelina Gajewska, Yana Sviatsilnikava, Maciej Uberna, He Zhang (2023) Emotion-based profiles of political leaders on Twitter, 8th International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics – PHILANG 2023, May 12th, Lodz.
Marcin Koszowy (2022) Refraza – logos – etos: między badaniami korpusowymi i eksperymentalnymi
(Rephrase – logos – ethos: between corpus-based and experimental research), Logos – Etos – Patos. Retoryka i Argumentacja (Logos – Ethos – Pathos. Rhetoric and Argumentation), 4-5 November 2022, Lublin, Poland
Budzynska Katarzyna, Gajewska Ewelina, Kiljan Konrad, Konat Barbara, Koszowy Marcin, Paquin Marie-Amelie, Zhang He (2022) Trust analytics in digital rhetoric, 4th European Conference on Argumentation – ECA 2022: The cognitive dimension of social argumentation 2022, 28-30 September 2022, Rome (Italy).
Kiljan Konrad, Koszowy Marcin (2022) Qualitative and quantitative evidence for linguistic and discursive features of rephrase, 4th European Conference on Argumentation – ECA 2022: The cognitive dimension of social argumentation, 28-30 September 2022, Rome (Italy).
Konat Barbara, Budzynska Katarzyna (2022) Corpus analysis: Methodological considerations for studying rephrase, 4th European Conference on Argumentation – ECA 2022: The cognitive dimension of social argumentation, 28-30 September 2022, Rome (Italy).
Koszowy Marcin, Oswald Steve (2022) Nature, features, dynamics and effects of rephrase in argumentation: a pragma-rhetorical approach, 4th European Conference on Argumentation – ECA 2022: The cognitive dimension of social argumentation, 28-30 September 2022, Rome (Italy).
Koszowy Marcin (2022) Distant Similarity as an Advantage of (Some) Arguments from Analogy? Commentary on Marcello Guarini’s ‘Contextual and Emotional Modulation of Source Case Selection in Analogical Arguments’, 4th European Conference on Argumentation – ECA 2022: The cognitive dimension of social argumentation, 28-30 September 2022, Rome (Italy).
Landowska Alina, Koszowy Marcin, Budzynska Katarzyna (2022) Prolepsis as an attention attractor in digital media rhetoric, 4th European Conference on Argumentation – ECA 2022: The cognitive dimension of social argumentation, 28-30 September 2022, Rome (Italy).
Budzynska Katarzyna, Koszowy Marcin, Hinton Martin, Musi Elena, Palmieri Rudi (2022) Recognising Trust in Natural Argumentation, 7th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, 1-11 April 2022, Kolympari (Greece).
Koszowy Marcin, Gygax Pascal, Younis Ramy, Oswald Steve (2022) Arguing by Rephrasing: Experimental and Textual Evidence on Ethotic Rephrase, 7th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, 1-11 April 2022, Kolympari (Greece).
Duthie Rory, Budzynska Katarzyna, Koszowy Marcin (2021) Ethos in Argumentation: The New Perspective, The Seventeenth ArgDiaP Conference “Reasoned Argumentation. Legal, Computational and Linguistic Perspectives”, 24-26th November 2021, Kraków (Poland).
Koszowy Marcin, Oswald Steve, Budzynska Katarzyna, Konat Barbara, Gygax Pascal (2021) A methodological proposal to study argumentative uses of rephrase: Cognitive and linguistic insights, The Seventh International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, 14-16 May 2021, Łódź (Poland).
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy (2020) An Empirical Turn in Studying Ethos in Argumentation, Workshop on Computational Argumentation & Cognition COGNITAR 2020 at the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Santiago de Compostela, 30 August 2020 (Spain)
M. Koszowy, S. Oswald, K. Budzynska, B. Konat (2020) The Role of Rephrase in Argumentation: Computational and Cognitive Aspects, Workshop on Computational Argumentation & Cognition COGNITAR 2020 at the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Santiago de Compostela, 30 August 2020 (Spain)
M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska (2020) A Computational Approach to Ethotic Structures, Computational Modelling 2020 workshop: “Computational Aspects of Communication”, 11 March 2020, Krakow (Poland)
B. Pluss, A. Hautli-Janisz, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2019) Identifying Enthymematic Conflict in Logos and Ethos Structures through Conventional Implicatures, 3rd European Conference on Argumentation – ECA 2019, „Reason to Dissent”, June 24 – June 27 2019, Groningen (Netherlands)
M. Pereira-Fariña, M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska (2019) Are we talking about cultural objects or historical figures? Ethos in the debates on cultural heritage, 3rd European Conference on Argumentation – ECA 2019, „Reason to Dissent”, June 24 – June 27 2019, Groningen (Netherlands)
K. Budzynska, R. Duthie, A. Hautli-Janisz, M. Koszowy, M. Pereira-Farina, B. Pluss (2019) Ethos Structures in Natural Language, Sixth International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics PhilLang 2019, Special Session PhilArg: The Philosophy of Argumentation,10-12 May 2019, Łódz (Poland)
A. Hautli-Janisz, B. Pluss, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2019) Implicit Logos, Implicit Ethos: Inference Anchoring Theory with Conventional Implicatures, Sixth International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics PhilLang 2019, Special Session PhilArg: The Philosophy of Argumentation,10-12 May 2019, Łódź (Poland)
K. Budzynska (2018) Ethos Structures in Natural Communication, 18 Dec 2018, Laboratory for the Study of Applied Language Technology and Society, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University (US)
K. Budzynska (2018) Computational Models of Ethos, 17 Dec 2018, Data Science Institute, Columbia University (US)
C. Reed and K. Budzynska (2018) Argument Technology and Computational Ethos, 26 Nov 2018, Department of Linguistics, University of Konstanz (Germany)
K. Budzynska, R. Duthie, Annette Hautli-Janisz, M. Koszowy, Martin Pereira-Farina, Brian Pluss (2018) Empirically-driven Formal Model of Ethos, 1st International Workshop on Methodologies for Research on Rhetoric (MET-RhET), 16th Sept 2018 (Poland)
B. Pluss, M. El-Assady, F. Sperrle, V. Gold, Annette Hautli-Janisz, Katarzyna Budzynska, Chris Reed (2018) Deliberation Analytics in the ADD-up Project, 7th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument COMMA 2018, 12 Sept 2018 (Poland)
M. Pereira-Fariña, M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska (2018) The Role of Historical Ethos in Public Debates on Cultural Heritage, Argumentation and Society – the workshop at the 7th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2018), 10 Sept 2018 (Poland)
M. Koszowy, R. Duthie, K. Budzynska (2018) Linguistic Analysis of Ethos Elements: Wisdom, Virtue and Good Will, 9th Conference on Argumentation of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA 2018), 3-6 July 2018, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
M. Koszowy, R. Duthie, K. Budzynska (2018) Constructing Ethos Through Language in Deliberative Discourse, WILL TWO: Workshop on Informal Logic and Linguistics „Language and Argument”, 11th May 2018, Faculty of Philology, University of Łódź (Poland)