Katarzyna BudzynskaTeaching
Tutorials (Graduate Schools, Conferences etc.)
Katarzyna Budzynska (2023) a graduate course on Communication (mis-)behaviour on social media, Doctoral Programme in Applied Linguistics: Managing Languages, Arguments and Narratives in the Datafied Society, Apr 25th, 2023, Lugano (Switzerland)
Katarzyna Budzynska, Chris Reed (2019) a graduate course Advances in Argument Mining, 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), July 28th, 2019, Florence (Italy)
Chris Reed, Katarzyna Budzynska (2017) an introductory graduate course to Argument Mining, 29th European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI2017), 17—28 of July, 2017, University of Toulouse (France)
Serena Villata, Katarzyna Budzynska (2016) tutorial on Argument Mining, 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-16), 11.07.2016 New York (US)
Katarzyna Budzynska, Marcin Koszowy (2015) a masterclass on Ethotic Structures in a Dialogue, 24.09.2015 Dundee (UK)
Katarzyna Budzynska, Chris Reed (2015) a masterclass on Inference Anchoring Theory, 23.06.2015 Dundee (UK)
Chris Reed, Katarzyna Budzynska (2014) a graduate course Links between logical, dialectical and rhetorical aspects of argumentation, Argupolis Graduate School „Argumentation quality in context”, 17-18.09.2014 Lugano (Switzerland)
Katarzyna Budzynska (2014) a graduate course on Inference Anchoring Theory: Foundations, 1st Summer School on Argumentation: Computational and Linguistic Perspectives (SSA 2014), 4-8.09.2014 Dundee (UK)
Katarzyna Budzynska, Chris Reed (2013) a graduate course on Communication Structures: Dialogue, Credibility and the Anchoring of Inference at the 1st IGSAR: Interdisciplinary Graduate School on Argumentation and Rhetoric: “Social Dynamics of Argument”, 16-18.05.2013 Warsaw (Poland)
Chris Reed, Katarzyna Budzynska (2011) a graduate-level tutorial on Dialectics in Multi-Agent Interaction at 13th European Agent Systems Summer School EASSS 2011, 11-15.07.2011 Girona (Spain)
Courses in English
2019 a course “Computational Ethos”, Cognitive Science, University of Warsaw (Poland)
2016-2019 a graduate course “Text Mining”, Dundee (UK)
2016-2019 an undergraduate course “Argumentation and Computers”, Dundee (UK)
2015, an undergraduate course “Web Authoring”, Dundee (UK) (with Andy Cobley)
2012, a graduate course “Logic for reasoning about persuasion” at Institute of Philosophy, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
2011, a graduate course “Argumentation, dialogue and persuasion” at Institute of Philosophy, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Courses in Polish
2006-2012 a first year undergraduate course on critical thinking for ecology students
1998-2009 a first year undergraduate course on formal logic for philosophy students
Other teaching experience
2013, “Logic and Rhetoric” (in Polish), a course for high school teachers organised by the Warsaw Centre for Socio-Educational Innovation and Training (WCIES)
2002-2007, courses on practical logic and critical thinking in several higher education institutes such as The Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management (courses for management students and sociology students), Warsaw Academy of Computer Science, Management and Administration (courses for students of engineering) and Warsaw Academy of Management SIG (courses for public administration students)
2006-2009, the pedagogy of philosophy at high school level, including membership in Committee of Polish Philosophical Contest for Junior High School Students