Marcin KoszowyTalks
Invited talks
M. Koszowy (2024) Reasoning Patterns and Paraphrase: Two Ajdukiewiczian Inspirations for Discourse and Argumentation Studies, Logic, Language, Cognition: Symposium in Honor of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz (1890-1963), 13.01.2024, University of Warsaw, Poland
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy (2023) Ethos Analytics, 2023 Interdisciplinary Speaker Series on the Ethics of Argumentation, 01.12.2023, online
M. Araszkiewicz, M. Koszowy (2018) Reasoning and Argumentation: The Lvov-Warsaw School Perspective, Argumentation & Philosophy (ArgPhil); workshop at COMMA 2018: The 7th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument, Warsaw, Poland, 11.09.2018
M. Koszowy (2018) Argumentujące maszyny i komputerowo wspomagana analiza argumentacji (Argumentation Machines and Computer-Assisted Analysis of Arguments), Szkoła Bankowości i Finansów (School of Banking & Finance), 5th meeting: Cyberbezpieczeństwo i sztuczna inteligencja (Cybercrime and Artificial Intelligence), Faculty of Law, University of Białystok, Poland, 17.04.2018
M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2018) Argument Analytics – Next Steps for Argument Technology, LegalTech Polska, 7th meeting: Artificial Inteligence and Law – A Few Messages from a Near Future, Warsaw, 22.03.2018
M. Koszowy (2017) participation in the panel discussion Sztuczna inteligencja a prawo (Artificial Intelligence and Law), Faculty of Law, University of Białystok, 27.03.2017
M. Koszowy (2016) Perswazyjna siła argumentów z autorytetu (Persuasive force of arguments from authority), Filozoficzne wtorki, Wrocław, 24.11.2016
M. Koszowy (2016) Współczesne modele argumentacji z autorytetu (Contemporary models of arguments from authority), seminar of the Department of Logic and Methodology of Science (Katedra Logiki i Metodologii Nauk), University of Wrocław, 24.11.2016
M. Koszowy (2016) Argumentacja z autorytetu i dialogowy ethos (Arguments from authority and dialogical ethos), XII Zlot Filozoficzny (12th Philosophical Rally), Białystok, 4–6.07.2016
M. Koszowy (2016) Argumentacja z autorytetu i krytyczne myślenie (Argument from authority and critical thinking), LVIII Tydzień Filozoficzny (LVIII Philosophical Week), John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, 7-10.03.2016
M. Koszowy (2014) Szkoła lwowsko-warszawska jako źródło inspiracji dla współczesnych badań nad argumentacją (Lvov-Warsaw School as a source of inspiration for contemporary study of argumentation), Szczecin Branch of the Polish Philosophical Association (Oddział Szczeciński Polskiego Towarzystwa Filozoficznego), Szczecin, 26.03.2014
M. Koszowy (2013) How to argue using administrative authority about what should be done?, Argumentation and Decision-Making, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 5.12.2013
M. Koszowy (2013) Teoria argumentacji w ujęciu opisowym i normatywnym (Argumentation theory: descriptive and normative accounts), Między opisem a normą – współczesne opcje metodologiczne (Between Description and Norm — Contemporary Methodological Options), John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, 3.12.2013
M. Koszowy (2013) Informal logic and pragmatic logic: Towards bridging the gap, Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric (CRRAR), University of Windsor, Canada, 5.06.2013
M. Koszowy (2013) Visual Appeals to Deontic Authority, CRRAR Summer Institute 2013: Multi-Modal Arguments: Making Sense of Images and Other Non-Verbal Contents in Argument, Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric (CRRAR), University of Windsor, Canada, 31.05.2013
M. Koszowy (2013) Współczesna teoria argumentacji z perspektywy polskiej tradycji logicznej (Contemporary argumentation theory from the point of view of Polish logical tradition), Retoryka klasyczna a współczesne formy perswazji (Classical Rhetoric and Contemporary Forms of Persuasion), John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, 5–6.03.2013
M. Koszowy (2011) Stanisława Kamińskiego program badań nad błędami logicznymi (Stanisław Kamiński’s program for the study of logical fallacies), Ksiądz Profesor Stanisław Kamiński (1919-1986). Osoba-czasy-idee (Prof. Stanisław Kamiński (1919-1986). Person – Times – Ideas), John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, 19.12.2011
M. Koszowy (2009) Teorie sofizmatów: skuteczność argumentacji i poprawność rozumowań (Theories of fallacies: The effectiveness of argumentation and the validity of reasoning), The 3rd ArgDiaP Conference: Dynamika Dialogu i Perswazji (Dynamics of Dialogue and Persuasion), Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, 20.06.2009
Conferences and seminars
M. Welle, M. Koszowy (2024) Fake News in Reformulated Messages: Towards Expanding the Toolset for Identifying Misinformation, Ethics and AI, Philosophy in Informatics IX & 19th ArgDiaP Conference, 23-25 September 2024, Warsaw University of Technology
M. Koszowy, M. Uberna (2024) Linguistic Evidence for Rephrase Types: A Theoretically-Driven Justification for Corpus Studies, 4th Argumentation & Language (ARGAGE) Conference, 25-27 June 2024, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
K. Budzynska, E. Gajewska, M. Koszowy, M. Kulik, W. Raźniak, M. Uberna, H. Zhang (2023) Corpora and Analytics for Ethos, Pathos and Logos: Towards the Study of Rhetoric in Digital Society. Ethos, Explainability and Technology workshop series, 18th December 2023, Warsaw University of Technology
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy, E. Gajewska, M. Kulik, W. Razniak, M. Uberna, H. Zhang (2023) Philosophy and Technology in The New Ethos, Department of Philosophy and Ethics in Administration seminar series, 5th December 2023, Warsaw University of Technology
M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska, M. Pazderska, W. Raźniak, M. Uberna (2023) Logos in Debates on Religion: Analysis and Visualisation, Religion, Logic and AI Workshop, 4th World Congress on Logic and Religion, 3-8 September 2023, Sinaia, Romania
M. Koszowy, K. Kiljan, M. Uberna (2023) Argumentative Strategies to (Re)Position Speaker’s Ethos, 10th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation – ISSA 2023, 4-7 July 2023, Leiden, The Netherlands
M. Koszowy, K. Kiljan, M. Uberna (2023) Rephrase Types in Argumentation: Corpora and Analytics, 8th International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics – PHILANG 2023,, 12-13 May, Lodz, Poland
K. Budzynska, E. Gajewska, K. Kiljan, B. Konat, M. Koszowy, M.-A. Paquin, H. Zhang (2022) Trust analytics in digital rhetoric, 4th European Conference on Argumentation – ECA 2022: The cognitive dimension of social argumentation 2022, 28-30 September 2022, Rome (Italy).
M. Koszowy (2022) Refraza – logos – etos: między badaniami korpusowymi i eksperymentalnymi
(Rephrase – logos – ethos: between corpus-based and experimental research), Logos – Etos – Patos. Retoryka i Argumentacja (Logos – Ethos – Pathos. Rhetoric and Argumentation), 4-5.11.2022, Lublin, Poland
K. Kiljan, M. Koszowy (2022) Qualitative and quantitative evidence for linguistic and discursive features of rephrase, 4th European Conference on Argumentation – ECA 2022: The cognitive dimension of social argumentation, 28-30 September 2022, Rome (Italy).
M. Koszowy, S. Oswald (2022) Nature, features, dynamics and effects of rephrase in argumentation: a pragma-rhetorical approach, 4th European Conference on Argumentation – ECA 2022: The cognitive dimension of social argumentation, 28-30 September 2022, Rome (Italy).
M. Koszowy (2022) Distant Similarity as an Advantage of (Some) Arguments from Analogy? Commentary on Marcello Guarini’s ‘Contextual and Emotional Modulation of Source Case Selection in Analogical Arguments’, 4th European Conference on Argumentation – ECA 2022: The cognitive dimension of social argumentation, 28-30 September 2022, Rome (Italy).
A. Landowska, M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska (2022) Prolepsis as an attention attractor in digital media rhetoric, 4th European Conference on Argumentation – ECA 2022: The cognitive dimension of social argumentation, 28-30 September 2022, Rome (Italy).
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy, M. Hinton, E. Musi, R. Palmieri (2022) Recognising Trust in Natural Argumentation, 7th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, 1-11 April 2022, Kolympari (Greece).
M. Koszowy, P. Gygax, R. Younis, S. Oswald (2022) Arguing by Rephrasing: Experimental and Textual Evidence on Ethotic Rephrase, 7th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, 1-11 April 2022, Kolympari (Greece).
R. Duthie, K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy (2021) Ethos in Argumentation: The New Perspective, The Seventeenth ArgDiaP Conference “Reasoned Argumentation. Legal, Computational and Linguistic Perspectives”, 24-26th November 2021, Kraków (Poland).
M. Koszowy, S. Oswald, K. Budzynska, B. Konat, P. Gygax (2021) A Methodological Proposal to Study Rephrase in Argumentation: Cognitive and Linguistic Insights, PhilArg: The Philosophy of Argumentation Workshop at the PhiLang 2021: Seventh International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, University of Łódź, 14-16.05.2021.
M. Koszowy, S. Oswald, K. Budzynska, B. Konat (2020) The Role of Rephrase in Argumentation: Computational and Cognitive Aspects, COGNITAR 2020: International Workshop on Computational Argumentation and Cognition at the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 08.09.2020 (online participation)
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy (2020) An Empirical Turn in Studying Ethos in Argumentation, COGNITAR 2020: International Workshop on Computational Argumentation and Cognition at the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 08.09.2020 (online participation)
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy (2020) A Computational Approach to Ethotic Arguments, ‘Computational Modelling II‘ workshop, Kraków, 11.03.2020
M. Koszowy (2019) Odniesienia do autorytetu jako ruchy dialogowe (Appeals to authority as dialogue moves), XI Polski Zjazd Filozoficzny (XI Polish Philosophy Congress), Lublin, 9-14.09.2019
M. Koszowy, K. Budzyńska, R. Duthie, M. Pereira-Fariña (2019) Odniesienia do retorycznego etosu (Appeals to rhetorical ethos), XI Polski Zjazd Filozoficzny (XI Polish Philosophy Congress), Lublin, 9-14.09.2019
M. Koszowy, J. Visser (2019) Circular reasoning: substituting rephrase for inference, ECA 2019: 3rd European Conference on Argumentation – Reason to Dissent, Groningen, 24-27.06.2019
M. Pereira-Fariña, M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska (2019) Are we talking about cultural objects or historical figures? Ethos in the debates on cultural heritage, ECA 2019: 3rd European Conference on Argumentation – Reason to Dissent, Groningen, 24-27.06.2019
K. Budzynska, R. Duthie, A. Hautli-Janisz, M. Koszowy, M. Pereira-Fariña, B. Plüss (2019) Ethos structures in natural language, PhiLang 2019: Sixth International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, University of Łódź, Poland, 10-12.05.2019
K. Budzynska, M. Pereira-Fariña, D. De Franco, R. Duthie, N. Franco-Guillen, A. Hautli-Janisz, M. Janier, M. Koszowy, L. Marinho, E. Musi, A. Pease, B. Plüss, C. Reed, J. Visser (2018) Time-constrained Multi-layer Corpus Creation, 16th ArgDiaP Conference “Argumentation and Corpus Linguistics”, Warsaw, Poland, 16.09.2018
M. Araszkiewicz, M. Koszowy (2018) Corpus Analysis of Appeals to Deontic Authority in the Reasoning of the Polish Administrative Courts, 16th ArgDiaP Conference “Argumentation and Corpus Linguistics”, Warsaw, Poland, 16.09.2018
K. Budzynska, R. Duthie, A. Hautli-Janisz, M. Koszowy, M. Pereira-Fariña, B. Plüss (2018) Empirically-driven Formal Model of Ethos, “Conflict and Controversy”: 1st International Workshop on Methodologies for Research on Rhetoric (MET-RhET), Warsaw, Poland, 15.09.2018
C. Reed, K. Budzynska, J. Lawrence, M. Pereira-Fariña, D. De Franco, R. Duthie, M. Koszowy, A. Pease, B. Plüss, M. Snaith, D. Tesfaye, J. Visser (2018) Large-Scale Deployment of Argument Analytics, Argumentation & Society (ArgSoc); workshop at COMMA 2018: 7th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument, Warsaw, Poland, 11.09.2018
K. Budzynska, M. Pereira-Fariña, M. Koszowy (2018) The Role of Historical Ethos in Public Debates on Cultural Heritage, Argumentation & Society (ArgSoc); workshop at COMMA 2018: 7th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument, Warsaw, Poland, 11.09.2018
M. Koszowy (2018) Introduction to Argumentation Theory Across Disciplines: Philosophy and Rhetoric; tutorial at the 3rd COMMA Summer School on Argumentation: Computational and Linguistic Perspectives, Warsaw, Poland, 06.09.2018
M. Koszowy, R. Duthie, K. Budzynska (2018) Linguistic Analysis of Ethos Elements: Wisdom, Virtue and Goodwill, 9th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA), Amsterdam, 03–06.07.2018
M. Pereira Fariña, M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2018) Dialogical Aspects of Appeals to Authority in Spanish and Polish Disputes About Cultural Objects, 9th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA), Amsterdam, 03–06.07.2018
M. Koszowy (2018) moderating the panel debate: Human Being and Artificial Intelligence (Człowiek a sztuczna inteligencja), XVI Podlaski Festiwal Nauki i Sztuki (16th Podlasie Festival of Science and Art), Białystok University of Technology, Białystok, Poland, 07.06.2018
M. Koszowy, R. Duthie, K. Budzynska (2018) Constructing Ethos Through Language in Deliberative Discourse, WILL TWO: Workshop on Informal Logic and Linguistics: Language and Argument, Faculty of Philology, University of Łódź, Poland, 11.05.2018
J. Visser, M. Koszowy, B. Konat, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2017) Straw Man and Ignoratio Elenchi as Misuses of Rephrase, ECA 2017: 2nd European Conference on Argumentation – Argumentation and Inference, Fribourg, Switzerland, 20–23.06.2017
M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska (2016) Towards a Model for Ethotic Structures in Dialogical Context, FLA: Foundations of the Language of Argumentation, workshop at COMMA 2016: The 6th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument, Potsdam, Germany, 13.09.2016
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy (2016) Mining Logos and Ethos from Dialogue, WILL: Workshop on Informal Logic and Linguistics: An Argumentation Forum, Faculty of Philology, University of Łódź, Poland, 15.05.2016
M. Koszowy (2016) Arguments from Authority, Dialogical Ethos and Computational Models of Trust, seminar talk, Agents and Intelligent Systems Group, Dept. of Informatics, King’s College London, 13.05.2016
M. Koszowy (2015) Argumentum ad verecundiam i argumentum ad ignorantiam jako struktury etotyczne (Argumentum ad verecundiam and argumentum ad ignorantiam as ethotic structures), 13th ArgDiaP conference: “Force of Argument: Reason, Belief, Consensus”, Wrocław, Poland, 20–21.11.2015
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy (2015) Dialogowe struktury etotyczne (Dialogical ethotic structures), Seminar of the Polish Semiotic Society, Warsaw, Poland, 23.10.2015
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy (2015) Ethotic structures in a dialogue, a masterclass delivered at ARG-tech (Centre for Argument Technology), University of Dundee, UK, 24.09.2015
M. Koszowy (2015) Argumentum ad verecundiam jako element struktury dialogu (Argumentum ad verecundiam as an element of the dialogue structure), 10ty Polski Zjazd Filozoficzny (10th Polish Congress of Philosophy), Poznań, Poland, 15–19.10.2015
M. Koszowy (2015) Techniki argumentacyjne w strukturze dialogu (Argumentation techniques within the dialogue structure), 10th conference on Technologies of Knowledge Exploration and Representation, Hołny Mejera, Poland, 9–12.09.2015
M. Araszkiewicz, M. Koszowy (2015) Deontic authority in legal argumentation: A case study, ECA 2015: 1st European Conference on Argumentation – Argumentation and Reasoned Action, Lisbon, Portugal, 9–12.06.2015
M. Araszkiewicz, M. Koszowy (2015) Commentary on Michael Hoppmann’s: ‘Canons of legal interpretation and the argument from Authority’, ECA 2015: 1st European Conference on Argumentation – Argumentation and Reasoned Action, Lisbon, Portugal, 9–12.06.2015
M. Koszowy, D. Walton (2014) Exploring appeals to modesty in the ad verecundiam technique, CMNA 2014: The 14th workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument, joint with MET ARG 2014: The 1st International Workshop on Methodologies for Research on Legal Argumentation, in association with JURIX 2014: The 27th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, 10.12.2014
M. Koszowy (2014) Techniki komunikacyjno-poznawcze w argumentacji odwołującej się do autorytetu (Communication and cognitive techniques in arguments from authority), X Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego (10th Congress of the Polish Society for Cognitive Science), Szczecin, Poland, 25–27.09.2014
M. Koszowy (2014) Zastosowania osiągnięć szkoły lwowsko-warszawskiej we współczesnej filozofii argumentacji (Applications of the achievements of the Lvov-Warsaw School in the contemporary philosophy of argument), Filozofia 2.0. Teoria i działalność (Philosophy 2.0. Theory and activity), Pobierowo, Poland, 23–25.09.2014
M. Koszowy (2014) Eksploracja i reprezentacja struktur argumentacyjnych na przykładzie badań nad komunikacją odwołującą się do autorytetu (Exploration and representation of argument structures: An example of research on communication techniques appealing to authority), 9th conference Technologies of Knowledge Exploration and Representation, Hołny Mejera, Poland, 17–20.09.2014
D. Walton, M. Koszowy (2014) Two kinds of arguments from authority in the ad verecundiam fallacy, 8th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA), Amsterdam, 30.06–04.07.2014
M. Koszowy, M. Araszkiewicz (2014) The study of reasoning in the Lvov-Warsaw School as a predecessor of and inspiration for argumentation theory, 8th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA), Amsterdam, 30.06–04.07.2014
M. Araszkiewicz, M. Koszowy (2014) How to attack arguments based on normative authority, 12th ArgDiaP: From Real Data to Argument Mining, Warsaw, 23–24.05.2014
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy, M. Witek (2013) Autorytet deontyczny w argumentacji (Deontic authority in argumentation), Seminar of the Polish Semiotic Society, Warsaw, 29.11.2013
M. Araszkiewicz, M. Koszowy (2013) Źródła badań Polskiej Szkoły Argumentacji (The research roots of the Polish School of Argumentation), 11-th ArgDiaP: The Polish School of Argumentation, Warsaw, 25–26.10.2013
M. Koszowy (2013) Polish logical studies from an informal logic perspective, Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation: Virtues of Argumentation (OSSA 2013), University of Windsor, Canada, 22–25.05.2013
M. Koszowy, M. Selinger (2013) Commentary on Douglas Walton and Thomas F. Gordon’s “How to Formalize Informal Logic”, Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation: Virtues of Argumentation (OSSA 2013), University of Windsor, Canada, 22–25.05.2013
M. Koszowy (2012) Stanisława Kamińskiego program badań nad błędami logicznymi – perspektywa współczesnej teorii argumentacji (Stanisław Kamiński’s program for the study of the fallacies – the point of view of the contemoprary study of argumentation), Seminar of the Polish Semiotic Society, Warsaw, 7.12.2012.
M. Koszowy (2012) Polish logical studies in a pragma-dialectical perspective, Applied Rhetoric, 9th ArgDiaP, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, 26.05.2012
M. Koszowy (2012) Metody analizy i ewaluacji argumentacji – perspektywa polskiej tradycji logicznej (Methods of argument analysis and evaluation – the point of view of the Polish logical tradition), 7th conference Technologies of Knowledge Exploration and Representation, Hołny Mejera, Poland, 12–15.09.2012
M. Koszowy (2012) Badania nad argumentacją w nawiązaniu do tradycji szkoły lwowsko-warszawskiej (The study of argumentation in reference to the tradition of the Lvov-Warsaw School), Retoryka stosowana: teoria i praktyka argumentacji (Applied Rhetoric: Theory and Practice of Argumentation), 8th ArgDiaP, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, 17.03.2012
M. Koszowy (2012) Zastosowania systemu Mizar w budowaniu formalnych modeli argumentacji (The applications of the Mizar system in building formal models of arguments), Seminar of the Polish Semiotic Society, Warsaw, 17.02.2012
M. Koszowy (2011) Formalne modele argumentacji (Formal models of arguments), 6th conference Technologies of Knowledge Exploration and Representation, Hołny Mejera, Poland, 7–10.09.2011
M. Koszowy (2010) Problematyka sofizmatu we współczesnych badaniach nad argumentacją (The issue of fallacies in the contemporary study of argumentation), Seminar of the Polish Semiotic Society, Warsaw, 19.11.2010
M. Koszowy (2010) Logiczna analiza argumentacji: koncepcja Dale’a Jacquette’a (Logical analysis of arguments: Dale Jacquette’s approach), 5th conference Technologies of Knowledge Exploration and Representation, Hołny Mejera, Poland, 16–18.09.2010
M. Koszowy (2010) Pragmatic logic: the study of argumentation in the Lvov-Warsaw School, 7th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA), Amsterdam, 29.06–1.07.2010
M. Koszowy (2010) Argument analysis, fallacies, and artificial intelligence, 2nd International Conference: Argumentation as a Cognitive Process. Neurodynamics, Logic and Models of Argumentation, Toruń, Poland, 13–15.05.2010;
M. Koszowy (2009) Rekonstrukcja rozumowań rozsądkowych: metody wizualizacji danych w teorii argumentacji (Reconstruction of common-sense reasoning: Methods of data visualization in argumentation theory), 4th conference Technologies of Knowledge Exploration and Representation, Hołny Mejera, Poland, 17–20.09.2009
M. Koszowy (2009) Błędy logiczne i sofizmaty: problemy i perspektywy badawcze (Logical errors and fallacies: Problems and research perspectives), nationwide conference Argumentacja. Racjonalna zmiana przekonań (Argumantation. Rational Change of Beliefs , Ustroń, Poland, 1–4.04.2009
M. Koszowy (2008) O dyskusjach na temat przedmiotu, celu i metody logiki nieformalnej (On discussions about the subject-matter, goals and methods of informal logic), Wczoraj i dziś metodologii nauk (Methodology of Science: Yesterday and Today), Górna Grupa, Poland, 6–9.06.2008
M. Koszowy (2008) Zastosowania metod analizy argumentacji w teorii sztucznej inteligencji (Applications of methods of argument analysis in artificial intelligence), 3rd conference Technologies of Knowledge Exploration and Representation, Hołny Mejera, Poland, 10–14.09.2008
M. Koszowy (2008) Metodologiczny spór wokół logiki nieformalnej (The methodological controversy over informal logic), VIII Polski Zjazd Filozoficzny ( VIII Polish Congress of Philosophy), Warsaw, 15–20.09.2008
M. Koszowy (2006) A methodological approach to argument evaluation, 6th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, Amsterdam, International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA), 27–30.06.2006
M. Koszowy (2004) Spór o definicję błędu logicznego (The controversy over the definition of logical fallacy), VII Polski Zjazd Filozoficzny (VII Polish Congress of Philosophy), Szczecin, Poland, 14–18.09.2004
M. Koszowy (2004) Methodological ideas of the Lvov-Warsaw School as a possible foundation for a fallacy theory, 2nd Tokyo Conference on Argumentation: Argumentation and Social Cognition, Japan Debate Association (JDA), Tsuda College, Tokio, Japan, 03–05.08.2004
M. Koszowy (2003) Logical errors and knowledge-seeking, Epistemological Controversies, Toruń, Poland, 10–12.09.2003
M. Koszowy (2003) On the concepts of logical fallacy and logical error, Informal Logic at 25. A Conference Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the First International Symposium on Informal Logic, Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA), Windsor, Canada, 14–17.05.2003
M. Koszowy (2002) O potrzebie epistemologicznego opracowania kategorii informacji (On the need of epistemological elaboration of the category of information), I Forum Filozoficzne (1st Philosophical Forum), Cieszyn, Poland, 13–15.05.2002