Marcin KoszowyPublications
M. Koszowy (2019) Autorytet w argumentacji i w dialogu. Teorie – modele – aplikacje (Authority in argumentation and in dialogue. Theories – models – aplications), Białystok: Wydawnictwo UwB.
M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska (2015) Strategie retoryczne, techniki komunikacyjno-poznawcze, błędy i sofizmaty (Rhetorical Strategies, Communication Techniques & Fallacies), Warsaw: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN.
Peer-reviewed journal papers
A. Landowska, M. Koszowy, A. Rocci (2024) Contemporary Prolepsis in Digital Rhetoric: The Roles and Functions of Proleptic Cues, Res Rhetorica, 11 (1) 2024, 138-154, DOI 10.29107/rr2024.1.10
M. Araszkiewicz, M. Koszowy (2024) The Structure of Arguments from Deontic Authority and How to Successfully Attack Them, Argumentation, vol. Pre-press, no. Pre-press, pp. 1-28.
R. Younis, D. de Oliveira Fernandes, P. Gygax, M. Koszowy, S. Oswald (2023) Rephrasing is not arguing, but it is still persuasive: An experimental approach to perlocutionary effects of rephrase, Journal of Pragmatics, 210: 12-23. DOI 10.1016/j.pragma.2023.03.010.
M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska, M. Pereira-Fariña, R. Duthie (2022) From Theory of Rhetoric to the Practice of Language Use: The Case of Appeals to Ethos Elements, Argumentation, 36: 123–149. DOI 10.1007/s10503-021-09564-0.
M. Pereira-Fariña, M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska (2022) ‘It was Never Just About the Statue’: Ethos of Historical Figures in Public Debates on Contested Cultural Objects, Discourse and Society, 33(2). DOI 10.1177/09579265221088143.
M. Koszowy, S. Oswald, K. Budzynska, B. Konat, P. Gygax (2022) A Pragmatic Account of Rephrase in Argumentation: Linguistic and Cognitive Evidence, Informal Logic, Vol. 42, No. 1: 49–82. DOI 10.22329/il.v42i1.7212.
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy, M. Pereira-Fariña (2021) Associating Ethos with Objects: Reasoning from Character of Public Figures to Actions in the World, Argumentation, 35(4): 519–549, DOI 10.1007/s10503-021-09552-4.
J. Visser, B. Konat, R. Duthie, M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2020) Argumentation in the 2016 US presidential elections: annotated corpora of television debates and social media reaction. Language Resources and Evaluation, 54: 123–154. DOI 10.1007/s10579-019-09446-8.
M. Koszowy, D. Walton (2019) Epistemic and deontic authority in the argumentum ad verecundiam. Pragmatics and Society, 10(2): 151-179. DOI 10.1075/ps.16051.kos.
D. Walton, M. Koszowy (2019) From text to scheme: Problems in identifying arguments from expert opinion. International Review of Pragmatics, 11 (1): 109-136. DOI 10.1163/18773109-201810015.
R.H. Johnson, M. Koszowy (2018) Logical Culture as a Common Ground for the Lvov-Warsaw School and the Informal Logic Initiative. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 55 (68): 187-229. DOI 10.2478/slgr-2018-0035.
D. Walton, M. Koszowy (2018) Whately on authority, deference, presumption and burden of proof. Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric, 36(2): 179-204. DOI 10.1525/rh.2018.36.2.179.
M. Koszowy, D. Walton (2017) Profiles of dialogue for repairing faults in arguments from expert opinion. Logic and Logical Philosophy, 26(1): 79-113. DOI 10.12775/LLP.2016.014.
D. Walton, M. Koszowy (2017) Arguments from authority and expert opinion in computational argumentation systems. AI & Society, 32(4): 483-496. DOI 10.1007/s00146-016-0666-3.
K. Budzynska, B. Konat, M. Koszowy (2016) Korpusowe metody badania logosu i etosu (The method of corpus analysis in the study of logos and ethos). Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa, 3 (209): 385-404.
K. Szymanek, K. Budzyńska, J. Czelakowski, A. Drukier, A. Grabowski, M. Kacprzak, B. Konat, M. Koszowy, P. Lewiński, P. Łupkowski, M. Magdziak, M. Paździora, J. Pogonowski, M. Ryszka-Kurczab, J. Rytel, M. Selinger, B. Skowron, I. Trzcieniecka-Schneider, M. Urbański, K.A. Wieczorek, N. Żyluk (2016) Co to jest dobry argument? Metoda dyskursu eksperckiego w badaniach nad argumentacją (What is a good argument? The method of expert discourse in argumentation research). Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa, 3 (209): 313-330.
M. Selinger, M. Koszowy (2016) Considering Carneades as a framework for Informal Logic: A reply to Walton and Gordon. Informal Logic 36(2): 217-237.
O. Yaskorska, K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy (2015) Różnorodność dialogowych procesów poznawczych. Studia Semiotyczne, XXVIII-XXIX: 195-228. Published in English as: Diversity of cognitive processes in a dialogue. Studia Semiotyczne: English Supplement XXVIII (2016): 57-94.
M. Koszowy, M. Araszkiewicz (2014) The Lvov-Warsaw School as a source of inspiration for argumentation theory, Argumentation 28(3): 283-300. DOI 10.1007/s10503-014-9321-7.
Budzynska, K., Araszkiewicz, M., Bogołębska, B., Cap, P., Ciecierski, T., Debowska-Kozlowska, K., Dunin-Kęplicz, B., Dziubiński, M., Federowicz, M., Gomolińska, A., Grabowski, A., Hołówka, T., Jochemczyk, Ł., Kacprzak, M., Kawalec, P., Kielar, M., Kisielewicz, A., Koszowy, M., Kublikowski, R., Kulicki, P., Kuzio, A., Lewiński, P., Lichański, J. Z., Malinowski, J., Marciszewski, W., Nieznański, E., Pietrzak, J., Pogonowski, J., Puczyłowski, T. A., Rytel, J., Sawicka, A., Selinger, M., Skowron, A., Skulska, J., Smolak, M., Sokół, M., Sowińska, A., Stalmaszczyk, P., Stawecki, T., Stepaniuk, J., Strachocka, A., Suchoń, W., Szymanek, K., Tomczyk, J., Trypuz, R., Trzęsicki, K., Urbański, M., Wasilewska-Kamińska, E., Wieczorek, K. A., Witek, M., Wybraniec Skardowska, U., Yaskorska, O., Załęska, M., Zdanowski, K., and Żurek, T. (2014) The Polish School of Argumentation: A Manifesto. Argumentation 28(3): 267-282. DOI 10.1007/s10503-014-9320-8.
M. Koszowy (2013) The methodological approach to argument evaluation: Rules of defining as applied to assessing arguments. Filozofia Nauki 1(81): 23 36.
M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska, O. Yaskorska (2013) Kryteria poprawności technik komunikacyjno-poznawczych (Criteria of correctness for the communicative and cognitive techniques). Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 2(196): 145-172.
M. Koszowy (2012) Logical fallacies as codified within the conceptual system of the Lvov-Warsaw School. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 30(43): 23-44.
C. Reed, M. Koszowy (2011) The development of Argument and Computation and its roots in the Lvov-Warsaw School. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 23 (36): 15-37.
M. Koszowy (2010) Pragmatic logic and the study of argumentation. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 22 (35): 29-45.
M. Koszowy (2010) Logika nieformalna i teoria argumentacji – inicjatywa wydawnicza w Polsce (Informal logic and argumentation theory: Editorial initiative in Poland). Forum Artis Rhetoricae 20-21 (1-2): 125-149.
M. Koszowy (2010) Logical errors and knowledge-seeking. Kognitywistyka i Media w Edukacji (Cognitive Science and Media in Education) 11 (2010): 151 164.
M. Koszowy (2005) Informacja – prawda – społeczeństwo. Próba uporządkowania problematyki (Information – truth – society. An attempt at clarification of problems). Ethos 69-70: 65-76.
Book Chapters
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy, E. Gajewska, M. Kulik, M. Uberna (2024) A Computational Method for Quantitative Analysis of Ethos. In: A Hess and J E Kjeldsen (Eds) Ethos, Technology, and AI in Contemporary Society: The Character in the Machine, Routledge.
M. Araszkiewicz, M. Koszowy (2021) The classifications of reasoning of Łukasiewicz and Ajdukiewicz as a foundation for systematising argument patterns. In P. Stalmaszczyk and M. Tałasiewicz (Eds.), The Lvov-Warsaw School and Contemporary Philosophy of Language (Ch. 12, pp. 273–294). Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol. 117. Brill. DOI 10.1163/9789004471146_014.
J. Visser, M. Koszowy, B. Konat, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2018) Straw Man as Misuse of Rephrase. In: S. Oswald & D. Maillat (Eds). Argumentation and Inference, Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Argumentation, Fribourg 2017 (Vol. 2, Ch. 63, pp. 941-962). London: College Publications.
M. Araszkiewicz, M. Koszowy (2016) Deontic authority in legal argumentation: A case study. In: D. Mohammed & M. Lewiński (Eds.), Argumentation and Reasoned Action: Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Argumentation, Lisbon 2015, Vol. 1 (Ch. 1, pp. 1-19), London: College Publications.
M. Koszowy (2010) Logika i argumentacja. O dyskusjach wokół logiki nieformalnej (Logic and argument: discussions about informal logic). In: M. Walczak (Ed.), Metodologia: tradycja i perspektywy (Methodology: Tradition and Perspectives) (pp. 45-62), Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.
M. Koszowy (2003) Informacja – nowe pojęcie filozoficzne? (Information – New philosophical notion?). In: T. Zasępa & R. Chmura (Eds.), Internet i nowe technologie – ku społeczeństwu przyszłości (Internet and New Technologies – Towards the Society of the Future) (pp. 39-50), Częstochowa: Edycja Świętego Pawła.
M. Koszowy (2001) Internet jako poznawcze i moralne wyzwanie współczesności (Internet as a coginitive and moral challenge of the contemporaneity). In: T. Zasępa & R. Chmura (Eds.), Internet. Fenomen społeczeństwa informacyjnego (Internet: The Phenomenon of the Information Society) (pp. 59-66), Częstochowa: Edycja Świętego Pawła.
Conference & workshop papers
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy, P. Saint-Dizier, M. Uberna (2024) Analysing Language of the Dynamics of Ethos and Emotions in Rephrased Arguments, Proceedings of 24th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA’24).
M. Uberna, K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy (2024) Rephrase Analytics for Digital Rhetoric: Exploring The Dynamics of Reformulation in Natural Dialogue, Proceedings of the 5th Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence PP-RAI’2024, 18-20th April 2024, Warsaw University of Technology, pp. 1-8.
K. Kiljan, M. Koszowy (2024) Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence for Linguistic and Discursive Features of Rephrase. In: A. Ansani, M. Marini & F. Paglieri (Eds.), The Cognitive Dimension of Social Argumentation: Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Argumentation, Rome 2022. London: College Publications (in press).
M. Koszowy (2024) Distant Similarity as an Advantage of (Some) Arguments from Analogy? Commentary on Marcello Guarini’s ‘Contextual and Emotional Modulation of Source Case Selection in Analogical Arguments’. In: A. Ansani, M. Marini, & F. Paglieri (Eds.), The Cognitive Dimension of Social Argumentation: Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Argumentation, Rome 2022. London: College Publications (in press).
M. Koszowy (2020) In search for a balance between experimental research and the theory of reasoning: Commentary on José Ángel Gascón’s ‘Why did you really do it? Examining the distinction between kinds of reasons’. In: Proceedings of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference, Vol. 12. Windsor, ON: OSSA.
M. Koszowy (2020) Should logos be opposed to ethos? Commentary on Adelino Cattani’s ‘Persuading and convincing’. In: Proceedings of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference, Vol. 12. Windsor, ON: OSSA.
M. Pereira Fariña, M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2019) Dialogical Aspects of Appeals to Authority in Spanish and Polish Disputes About Cultural Objects. In: Garssen, B.J. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (pp. 872-882), Amsterdam: Sic Sat – Sciential International Centre for Scholarship in Argumentation Theory.
M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska (2016) Towards a Model for Ethotic Structures in Dialogical Context, Foundations of the Language of Argumentation – the workshop at the 6th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2016) (pp. 40-47).
M. Araszkiewicz, M. Koszowy (2016) Commentary on Hoppmann’s ‘Canons of Legal Interpretation and the Argument from Authority’. In: D. Mohammed & M. Lewiński (Eds.), Argumentation and Reasoned Action: Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Argumentation, Lisbon 2015, Vol. 1 (pp. 239-244), London: College Publications.
M. Koszowy, M. Araszkiewicz (2015) The research on reasoning in the Lvov-Warsaw School as a predecessor of and inspiration for argumentation theory. In: Garssen, B.J., Godden, D., Mitchell, G. & Snoeck Henkemans, A.F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (pp. 783-792), Amsterdam: Sic Sat.
D. Walton, M. Koszowy (2015) Two kinds of arguments from authority in the ad verecundiam fallacy. In: Garssen, B.J., Godden, D., Mitchell, G. & Snoeck Henkemans, A.F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (pp. 1483-1492), Amsterdam: Sic Sat.
M. Koszowy (2013) Polish Logical Studies from an Informal Logic Perspective. In: D. Mohammed & M. Lewiński (Eds.), Virtues of Argumentation. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA), 22-26 May 2013 (pp. 1-10), Windsor, ON: OSSA.
M. Koszowy, M. Selinger (2013) Commentary on: Douglas Walton and Thomas F. Gordon’s “How to Formalize Informal Logic”. In: D. Mohammed & M. Lewiński (Eds.), Virtues of Argumentation. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA) 22-26 May 2013 (pp. 1-7), Windsor, ON: OSSA.
M. Koszowy (2011) Pragmatic logic: the study of argumentation in the Lvov-Warsaw School. In: F.H. van Eemeren, B. Garssen, D. Godden, & G. Mitchell (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Argumentation of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (pp.1010-1022), Amsterdam: Sic Sat.
M. Koszowy (2007) A methodological approach to argument evaluation. In: F.H. van Eemeren, J. A. Blair, C. A. Willard, & B. Garssen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (pp. 803-807), Amsterdam: Sic Sat – International Center for the Study of Argumentation.
M. Koszowy (2004) Methodological ideas of the Lvov-Warsaw School as a possible foundation for a fallacy theory. In: T. Suzuki, Y. Yano, & T. Kato (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Tokyo Conference on Argumentation: Argumentation and Social Cognition (pp. 125-130), Tokyo: Japan Debate Association.
M. Koszowy (2003) On the concepts of logical fallacy and logical error. In: J.A. Blair, D. Farr, H.V. Hansen, R.H. Johnson, & C.W. Tindale (Eds.), Informal Logic at 25: Proceedings of the Windsor Conference (CD-ROM, pp. 1-9), Windsor, ON: Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation.
Book reviews
M. Koszowy (2007) Stephena E. Toulmina teoria racjonalnego poznania i działania (Stephen E. Toulmin’s theory of rational cognition and action), review of T. Zarębski, Od paradygmatu do kosmopolis. Filozofia Stephena E. Toulmina (From Paradigm to Cosmopolis: The Philosophy of Stephen E. Toulmin), Wrocław 2005, Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 35: 184-190.
M. Koszowy (2007) review of F. H. van Eemeren, R. Grootendorst, A Systematic Theory of Argumentation. The Pragma-Dialectical Approach, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2004, Roczniki Filozoficzne 55: 303-309.
M. Koszowy (2004) review of F. H. van Eemeren, R. Grootendorst, F. Snoeck Henkemans, Argumentation: Analysis, Evaluation, Presentation, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ & London, 2002, Roczniki Filozoficzne 52: 427-435.
M. Koszowy (2003) Centralne kategorie współczesnej teorii argumentacji (Central cathegories of contemporary argumentation theory), review of F. H. van Eemeren (Ed.), Crucial Concepts in Argumentation Theory, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2001, Zeszyty Naukowe KUL 46 (181-182): 105-109.
Editorials and discussion papers
U. Żegleń, M. Koszowy (2022) Introduction. Some New Approaches to Knowledge Representation in Multidimensional Perspective: From Theory Through Experience to Scientific Practice, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 67(80): 139-150. DOI 10.2478/slgr-2022-0008.
P. Stacewicz, M. Koszowy (2020) Introduction to the Issue: The Philosophy of Argumentation, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 63(76): 17-18. DOI 10.2478/slgr-2020-0024.
M. Federowicz, M. Koszowy, A. Bendrat, K. Białek, K. Biedrzycki, K. Budzyńska, A. Budzyńska-Daca, D. Czaczkowski, P. Francuz, M. Hinton, M. Karpiński, F. Kobiela, R. Kublikowski, S. Makuła, M. Selinger, B. Skowron, A. Stefańczyk, W. Suchoń, A. Sułowska, M. Swat-Pawlicka, B. Ścigała-Stiller, E. Wasilewska-Kamińska, K.A. Wieczorek, O. Yaskorska, M. Załęska, M. Zambrowska, T. Żurek, N. Żyluk (2018) Argumentacja w edukacji. Postulaty badań edukacyjnych w Polskiej Szkole Argumentacji (Argumentation in Education: Postulates of Educational Studies Within the Polish School of Argumentation), Studia Semiotyczne, XXXII(1): 131–137. DOI 10.26333/sts.xxxii1.07
M. Hinton, M. Koszowy (2018) Introduction to the Issue: The Philosophy of Argumentation, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 55(68): 7-10. DOI 10.2478/slgr-2018-0025.
M. Urbański, M. van Lambalgen, M. Koszowy (2018) An Introduction to the Special Issue on Logic, Cognition and Argumentation, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 27(4): 417-419. DOI 10.12775/LLP.2018.015.
M. Urbański, M. van Lambalgen, M. Koszowy (2017) An Introduction to the Special Issue on Question Processing, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 26(3): 285–288. DOI 10.12775/LLP.2017.025.
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy (2014) Introduction: Argument Studies in Poland, Argumentation, 28(3): 259-266. DOI 10.1007/s10503-014-9319-1.
K. Budzynska, F.H. van Eemeren, M. Koszowy (2014) Preface: From pragmatics and dialectics to argument studies, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 36(49): 7-22. DOI 10.2478/slgr-2014-0014.
M. Koszowy (2011) Preface: Key strategies to address argument and computation, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 23 (36): 7-14.
M. Koszowy (2009) Preface: The variety of research perspectives in the study of argumentation, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 16 (29): 7-14.
Encyclopaedia entries
In Encyklopedia Filozofii Polskiej (The Encyclopedia of Polish Philosophy), Lublin: Polskie Towarzystwo Tomasza z Akwinu: ‘Seweryna Łuszczewska-Romahnowa’, vol. 1, 2011: 955-956; ‘Józef Wajszczyk’, vol. 2: 777-779
In Powszechna Encyklopedia Filozofii (The Universal Encyclopedia of Philosophy), Lublin: Polskie Towarzystwo Tomasza z Akwinu: ‘Paradoksy’ (‘Paradoxes’), vol. 8, 2007: 14-17; ‘Giulio Preti’, vol. 8, 2007: 471-472; ‘Klasyfikacje nauk’ (‘Classifications of sciences’), vol. 7, 2006: 541-544; ‘Seweryna Łuszczewska-Romahnowa’, vol. 6, 2005: 648-650; ‘John Mair (Major)’, vol. 6, 2005: 722-723; ‘Teoria komunikacji’ (‘Communication theory’), vol. 5, 2004: 754-756; ‘Informacja’ (‘Information’) (with Z.A. Błasiak), vol. 4, 2003: 824-829
Conference reports and interviews
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy, M. Araszkiewicz, K. Atkinson, A. Budzyńska-Daca, K. Dębowska-Kozłowska, M. Hinton, M. Kacprzak, J. Lawrence, P. Łupkowski, S. Modgil, B. Skowron, M. Thimm, M. Urbański, J. Visser, M. Załęska, T. Zurek (2018) Warsaw Argumentation Week (WAW 2018) Organised by the Polish School of Argumentation and Our Colleagues from Germany and the UK, 6th-16th September 2018, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 55 (68): 231-239. DOI 10.2478/slgr-2018-0036.
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak, M. Koszowy (2013) Speech Acts and Arguments, 18 May [10th ArgDiaP Conference], The Reasoner, vol. 7, no 8, August 2013: 96-97.
M. Koszowy (2009) Conference report: Wczoraj i dziś metodologii nauk (Methodology of Science: Yesterday and Today), Przegląd Uniwersytecki 1 (117), 2009: 11.
M. Koszowy (2006) Report on Stanisław Kamiński Memorial Lectures 2005-2006: The series of lectures given by prof. Simon Blackburn, Przegląd Uniwersytecki 5 (103): 21.
M. Koszowy (2005) Report on Stanisław Kamiński Memorial Lectures 2004-2005: The series of lectures given by prof. Peter Simons, Przegląd Uniwersytecki 4 (96): 10.
M. Koszowy (2004) Report on Stanisław Kamiński Memorial Lectures 2003-2004: The series of lectures given by prof. John R. Searle, Przegląd Uniwersytecki 4 (90): 10.
M. Koszowy (2004) Conference report: “Informal Logic at 25”, University of Windsor, Canada, 14-17 May 2003, Roczniki Filozoficzne (Annals of Philosophy) 52, vol. 1: 485-487.
M. Koszowy (2002) Report on Stanisław Kamiński Memorial Lectures 2002-2003: The series of lectures given by prof. Richard Swinburne, Przegląd Uniwersytecki 4: 17.
M. Koszowy, R. Schmidt, P. Szałek (2001-2002) Interview with Prof. Stefan Swieżawski: “Jerzy Kalinowski and philosophy at the Catholic University of Lublin”, Summarium 30-31 (50-51): 189-203. French translation: “Le Cercle des philosophes de Lublin”, trans. by Józefina Sadowska and Agnès Bastit, Liberté politique, Paris: L’association pour la Fondation de Service Politique (2004): 1-7.
M. Koszowy (2001) Conference report: Rationality and Irrationality / Rationalität und Irrationalität (23rd International Wittgenstein Symposium), Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 13-19 August 2000, Edukacja Filozoficzna 31: 370-372.