Marcin KoszowyCV
- Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences
- 30.09.2020: Habilitation degree in humanities with the specialization in philosophy
- Dissertation: Authority in Argumentation and in Dialogue
- John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy (2008)
- 19.06.2008: Doctor of Science in Humanities, specialization: Philosophy – Methodology of Science
- Ph.D. thesis: Contemporary Conceptions of a Logical Fallacy. A Study in Argumentation Theory and Pragmatic Logic (in Polish)
- Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Bronk
Post-graduate studies
- John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Pedagogy, Post-graduate Studies in Pedagogy (2001)
- Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy (2001)
- 20.06.2001: Master’s degree in Philosophy
- M.A. thesis: The Concept of Information. The Semiotic Map (in Polish)
- Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Bronk
Research & teaching positions
Dept. of Philosophy and Ethics in Administration, Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology: Assistant Professor (since 2020)
Dept. of Logic, Cognitive Science and Philosophy of Science, Institute of Philosophy, University of Białystok: Assistant Professor (2019-2020)
Dept. of Philosophy and History of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Białystok: Assistant Professor (2017–2019)
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences: research assistant in the NCN-founded project EthAn – Ethos Analytics (2016-2021)
The Institute of Media Education and Journalism, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw; contracted lectures: Rhetoric for Journalists, The Art of Public Speaking, The Art of Discussing , Oxford Debates (2009 – Present)
Dept. of Logic, Informatics and Philosophy of Science, University of Białystok: Assistant Professor (2009–2017), Teaching Assistant (2007–2009)
Dept. of Methodology of Science, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, doctoral teaching assistant (2001-2008)
International visits
01–05.09.2019 Université de Fribourg, Switzerland; the visit financed by the Polish National Science Centre under the grant: EthAn: Ethos Analytics
03–10.03.2019 ARG-tech: Centre for Argument Technology, University of Dundee, UK; the visit financed by the Polish National Science Centre under the grant: EthAn: Ethos Analytics
21–23.11.2018 Université de Nîmes, France, Faculty of Law, research in analysing and annotating legal decisions; the visit financed by the Faculty of Law, Université de Nîmes
12–20.06.2018 ARG-tech: Centre for Argument Technology, University of Dundee, UK; the visit financed by the Polish National Science Centre under the grant: EthAn: Ethos Analytics
10–22.09.2017 ARG-tech: Centre for Argument Technology, University of Dundee, UK; the visit financed by the Polish National Science Centre under the grant: EthAn: Ethos Analytics
06–11.06.2017 ARG-tech: Centre for Argument Technology, University of Dundee, UK; the visit financed by the University of Białystok
26–30.09.2016 ARG-tech: Centre for Argument Technology, University of Dundee, UK; the visit financed by the Polish National Science Centre under the grant: EthAn: Ethos Analytics
9–13.05.2016 Dept. of Informatics, King’s College London; the cooperation with Prof. Simon Parsons (Agents and Intelligent Systems Group), the visit financed by the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training Programme
22–26.09.2015 ARG-tech: Centre for Argument Technology, University of Dundee, UK; the cooperation with Prof. Chris Reed and his research group; delivering (with Katarzyna
Budzyńska) the master class at ARG-tech: Ethotic Structures in a Dialogue (24.09.2015)
14–20.07.2013 School of Computing, University of Dundee, UK; the cooperation with Prof. C. Reed and his ARG:Dundee research group; participation in the workshop on IAT analysis (18.07.2013) and in the Scottish Argumentation Day (SAD 2013) (19.07.2013); the visit financed by the Polish National Science Centre under the grant: Exploring rhetorical strategies in a dialogue
26.05.–08.06.2013 Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric (CRRAR), University of Windsor, Canada (Visiting Research Fellow); the visit financed by the Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric (CRRAR), the Polish National Science Centre under the grant: Exploring rhetorical strategies in a dialogue , and the University of Białystok
19–30.05.2003 The John P. Robarts Research Library, Toronto, Canada; PhD research
Research Groups
- 2020 – Present: Laboratory of The New Ethos at the International Center for Formal Ontology
- 2018-2020: CELab: Computational Ethos Lab
- 2016-2019: ARG-tech: Centre for Argument Technology
- 2013-2016: ZeBRaS: Research Group of Applied Rhetoric
- 2020 – Present: Polish Association for Technology Assessment
- 2014 – Present: Polish Society for Cognitive Science
- 2009 – Present: International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA)
- 2009 – Present: Polish Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science; member of the Board of Control (2012-2015)
Steering Committees
- 2013 – Present: European Conference on Argumentation: founding member, Steering Committee member
- 2015 – Present: ArgDiaP Organisation; Steering Committee member (2015-2018); deputy chair (2018-2020); chair (2020-2022)
Awards and scholarships
Financial support of the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training Programme for the research visit: Agents and Intelligent Systems Group, King’s College London, 9–13 May 2016
Financial support for the research visit at the University of Windsor funded by the Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric (CRRAR), 26 May–8 June 2013 award of the Rector of the University of Białystok, 10 October 2008
Financial support for attending the conference Informal Logic at 25. A Conference Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the First International Symposium on Informal Logic funded by the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA), University of Windsor, 14–17 May 2003
III award for the paper “Internet jako poznawcze i moralne wyzwanie współczesności” (“Internet as a cognitive and moral challenge of the contemporaneity”) awarded by the
Organizing Committee of the Interdisciplinary Internet Workshops “Internet 2000”, Catholic University of Lublin, 14–16 December 2000
Financial support for attending the 23rd International Wittgenstein Symposium ( Rationality and Irrationality / Rationalität und Irrationalität) funded by Die Österreichische Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 13–19 August 2000
Editorial work
Guest editorship (with Urszula Żegleń) of the journal Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric: “Some New Approaches to Knowledge Representation in Multidimensional Perspective”, Sciendo – De Gruyter, part of vol. 67(80), 2022 (pp. 139 – 268), Sciendo – De Gruyter
Guest editorship (with Paweł Stacewicz) of the journal Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric: “Contemporary Philosophy of Informatics”, vol. 63(76), 2020, Sciendo – De Gruyter
Guest editorship (with Halina Święczkowska) of the journal Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric: “Language and Cognition”, vol. 62(75), 2020, Sciendo – De Gruyter
Guest editorship (with Martin Hinton) of the journal Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric: “The Philosophy of Argument”, vol. 55(68), 2018, Sciendo – De Gruyter
Guest editorship (with Mariusz Urbański and Michiel van Lambalgen) of the journal Logic and Logical Philosophy, special issue “Logic, Cognition, Argumentation”, vol 27, no 4, 2018
Guest editorship (with Mariusz Urbański and Michiel van Lambalgen) of the journal Logic and Logical Philosophy, special issue “Question Processing”, vol. 26, no 3, 2017
Guest editorship (with Halina Święczkowska) of the journal Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric: “Language, Discourse, Logic”, vol. 42(55), 2015
Guest editorship (with Katarzyna Budzynska) of the journal Argumentation, Springer, special issue “The Polish School of Argumentation”, 28(3), 2014
Guest editorship (with Katarzyna Budzynska and Frans H. van Eemeren) of the journal Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, special issue “Pragmatics and Dialectics of Argument”, vol. 36(49), 2014
Guest editorship of the journal Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, special issue “Argument and Computation”, vol. 23 (36), 2011
Guest editorship of the journal Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, special issue “Informal Logic and Argumentation Theory”, vol 16(29), 2009
Editorial committees
- Editorial Board Member: Windsor Studies in Argumentation (since 2013)
- Editorial Assistant: Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric (2015-2020)
- Editorial Board Member: Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric (since 2020)
Reviewing for journals
- Argument and Computation, IOS Press
- Dialectica, Blackwell-Wiley Publishing
- Filozofia Nauki (Philosophy of Science), University of Warsaw
- Informal Logic, University of Windsor
- Journal of Argumentation in Context, John Benjamins
- Nowoczesne Systemy Zarządzania (Modern Management Systems), Military University of Technology in Warsaw
- Organon F, Slovak Academy of Sciences & Czech Academy of Sciences
- Philosophy and Rhetoric, Penn State University Press
- Res Rhetorica, Polish Rhetoric Society
- Roczniki Filozoficzne (Annals of Philosophy), John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
- Roczniki Kulturoznawcze (Annals of Cultural Studies), John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
- Scripta Philosophica, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
- Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, Sciendo-De Gruyter
- Synthese, Springer (IF: 1.305)
- Topoi, Springer
- Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa (Problems of the Science of Science), Polish Academy of Sciences
Organising and Programme Committees
Member of the Scientific Committee: 4th Argumentation & Language (ARGAGE) Conference, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 25–27.06.2024.
Member of the Programme Committee: 2nd Workshop on Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, 15–18.12.2020.
Member of the Organising Committee: WAW 2018: Warsaw Argumentation Week including COMMA 2018: 7th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument, Warsaw, Poland, 06–16.09.2018
Member of the Programme Committee: The 16th ArgDiaP Conference: Argumentation and Corpus Linguistics at WAW 2018 (Warsaw Argumentation Week), Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 15–16.09.2018
Member of the Programme Committee: MET-ARG: the 2nd International Workshop on Methodologies for Research on Legal Argumentation: Argumentation and Evidence, at WAW 2018 (Warsaw Argumentation Week), Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 15.09.2018
Member of the Programme Committee: Poznań Reasoning Week, Poznań, 11–15.09.2018
Member of the Organising and Programme Committee: 15th ArgDiaP: Argumentacja i retoryka klasyczna (Argumentation and Classical Rhetoric), John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, 25–26.10.2017
Member of the Programme Committee: 14th ArgDiaP: Formal Models of Reasoning and Argumentation , Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 7–8.09.2016
Member of the Panel of Experts: Methodologies for Research on Legal Argumentation, Special Issue of the journal Informal Logic, vol. 36, no 3 (2016)
Member of the Programme Committee: 13th ArgDiaP: Siła argumentacji: racja – przekonanie – konsensus (The Force of Argument: Reason, Belief, Consensus), University of Wrocław, 20–21.11.2015
Member of the Organizing Committee, TERW 2015: Technologies of Knowledge Exploration and Representation, Białystok University of Technology & University of Białystok, Hołny Mejera, 9–12.09.2015
Member of the Programme Committee, RACT 2015: Reasoning, Argumentation and Critical Thinking Instruction, Lund University, Sweden, 25–27.02.2015
Member of the Organizing and Programme Committee, MET-ARG 2014: The 1st International Workshop for Methodologies for Research on Legal Argumentation, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, 10.12.2014
Chair of the Organizing Committee, member of the Programme Committee, 12th ArgDiaP: From Real Data to Argument Mining and 2nd IGSAR graduate school: Corpus Analysis in Argument Studies, Warsaw, 21–24.05.2014
Member of the Organizing and Programme Committee, 11th ArgDiaP: Polska Szkoła Argumentacji (The Polish School of Argumentation), Warsaw, 25–26.10.2013
Member of the Programme Committee, Argumentation 2013: International Conference on Alternative Methods of Argumentation in Law, Brno, Czech Republic, 8.11.2013
Member of the Organizing and Programme Committee, 10th ArgDiaP: Speech Acts and Arguments, Warsaw, 18.05.2013
Member of the Organizing and Programme Committee, 9th ArgDiaP: Applied Rhetoric: Practical Perspectives on Argumentation, Dialogue and Persuasion, Warsaw, 26.05.2012
Member of the Organizing and Programme Committee, 8th ArgDiaP: Retoryka stosowana: teoria i praktyka argumentacji (Applied Rhetoric: Theory and Practice of Argumentation), Warsaw, 17.03.2012
Member of the Organizing and Programme Committee, 7th ArgDiaP: Cognition and Argument. An Insight into Real-Life Practice, Warsaw, 18.06.2011
Co-organization of the conference Metodologiczne idee ks. prof. Stanisława Kamińskiego (Methodological Ideas of Stanisław Kamiński), John Paul Catholic University of Lublin, 26.10.2006
Co-organization of the workshop devoted to John R. Searle’s theory of social reality hosting Paolo Di Lucia (Universita di Milano), Giuseppe Lorini (Universita di Pavia) and John R. Searle (University of California, Berkeley), Catholic University of Lublin, 25.05.2004
Co-organization of 7 editions of Stanisław Kamiński Memorial Lectures (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin) hosting: Peter van Inwagen (Notre Dame), 2008; Susan Haack (Miami), 2007; Simon Blackburn (Cambridge), 2006; Peter Simons (Leeds), 2005; John R. Searle (Berkeley), 2004; Richard Swinburne (Oxford), 2003; Barry Smith (Buffalo), 2002