Katarzyna BudzynskaPublications
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak, A. Sawicka, O. Yaskorska (2015) Dynamika dialogów w ujęciu formalnym (Dialogue Dynamics: Formal Approach), Wyd. IFiS PAN
M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska (2015) Strategie retoryczne, techniki komunikacyjno-poznawcze, błędy i sofizmaty (Rhetorical Strategies, Communication Techniques & Fallacies), Wyd. IFiS PAN
Book Chapters
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy, E. Gajewska, M. Kulik, M. Uberna (2024) A Computational Method for Quantitative Analysis of Ethos. In: A Hess and J E Kjeldsen (Eds) Ethos, Technology, and AI in Contemporary Society: The Character in the Machine, Routledge.
H. Zhang, A. Landowska, K. Budzynska (2024) Detection and Analysis of Moral Values in Argumentation. In: Nardine Osman, Luc Steels (Eds.) Value Engineering in Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS (Post-Proceedings of A workshop affiliated with the 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Value engineering in AI), volume 14520, p 114-141.
Katarzyna Budzynska, Mieczysław Muraszkiewicz (2022) O związkach etyki i sztucznej inteligencji, In: Sztuczna inteligencja dla inżynierów. Metody ogólne. Muraszkiewicz Mieczysław, Nowak Robert Marek (Eds.), Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, p.197-206.
Khalid Al-Khatib, Katarzyna Budzynska, Alexander Bondarenko et al (2022) Developing Benchmark Datasets for Frame Identification. Framing in Communication: From Theories to Computation. Budzynska Katarzyna et al (Eds.), Dagstuhl Reports, 2022, vol. 12, nr 3, Dagstuhl, Germany, Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl Publishing, p.133-135.
J. Visser, M. Koszowy, B. Konat, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2018) Straw man as misuse of rephrase, In: Oswald, S. and Maillat, D. (Eds.) Argumentation and Inference: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Argumentation, Fribourg 2017. London: College Publications., vol. II, 941-962
K. Budzynska, S. Villata (2017) Processing Natural Language Argumentation, In: Pietro Baroni, Dov Gabbay, Massimiliano Giacomin, Leendert van der Torre, Handbook of Formal Argumentation, College Publication, 576-625
M. Janier, M. Aakhus, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2016) Modelling argumentative activity in mediation with Inference Anchoring Theory: The case of impasse, Studies in Logic and Argumentation, College Publication.
K. Budzynska, M. Janier, B. Konat, J. Kang, C. Reed, P. Saint-Dizier, M. Stede, O. Yaskorska (2016) Automatically identifying transitions between locutions in dialogue, Studies in Logic and Argumentation, King’s College Publication.
K. Budzynska, K. Dębowska-Kozłowska, M. Kacprzak. M. Załęska (2012) Interdyscyplinarność w badaniach nad argumentacją i perswazją (Interdisciplinarity in the studies on argumentation and persuasion), In: Adam Chmielewski, Maria Dudzikowa, Adam Grobler (Eds.) Interdyscyplinarnie o interdyscyplinarności, pp. 149–168
K. Budzynska (2012) Wizualna reprezentacja struktury kontrargumentacji (Visual representation of the structure of counterarguments) in: M. Załęska (Ed.) Retoryka krytyki w dyskursie akademickim: konflikty, polemiki, kontrowersje, Wyd. UW
K. Budzynska: O istocie retoryki według Arystotelesa (On the nature of rhetoric according to Aristotle) in: Toward classical philosophy: inspirations and continuations (2008): 447-471
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak: Change of beliefs as a result of a discussion. Philosophical foundations of the logical model for persuasion, In: Halina Święczkowska (ed.), Freedom and tolerance, p. 101-116, Białystok 2007 (in Polish)
International Journal Papers
A. Landowska, K. Budzynska, H. Zhang (2024) Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Moral Foundations in Argumentation, Argumentation, DOI 10.1007/s10503-024-09636-x
Qurat-ul-ain Shaheen, Katarzyna Budzynska, Carles Sierra (2024) An explanation-oriented inquiry dialogue game for expert collaborative recommendations, Journal of Argument and Computation, 1-36. DOI 10.3233/AAC-230010.
Ilia Stepin, Katarzyna Budzynska, Alejandro Catala, Martin Pereira-Farina, Jose M. Alonso-Moral (2023) Information-Seeking Dialogue for Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Modelling and Analytics, Argument and Computation, 15. 1-59. DOI 10.3233/AAC-220011.
K Budzynska, C Reed (2023) Argumentum Ad Alia: argument structure of arguing about what others have said, Synthese, 201.
A Hautli-Janisz, K Budzynska, C Reed (2023) Conventional Implicatures in Argumentation, Languages (Special Issue Pragmatics and Argumentation), 8(1), 14.
M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska, M. Pereira-Fariña, R. Duthie (2022) From Theory of Rhetoric to the Practice of Language Use: The Case of Appeals to Ethos Elements, Argumentation.
A. Hautli-Janisz, K. Budzynska, C. McKillop, B. Pluss, V. Gold, C. Reed (2022) Questions in argumentative dialogue, Journal of Pragmatics, 188: 56-79.
M. Pereira-Fariña, M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska (2022) ‘It was Never Just About the Statue’: Ethos of Historical Figures in Public Debates on Contested Cultural Objects, Discourse and Society, 33(2).
M. Koszowy, S. Oswald, K. Budzynska, B. Konat, P. Gygax (2022) A Pragmatic Account of Rephrase in Argumentation: Linguistic and Cognitive Evidence, Informal Logic, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 47–8.
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy, M. Pereira-Fariña (2021) Associating Ethos with Objects: Reasoning from Character of Public Figures to Actions in the World, Argumentation, 35(4), p. 519–549, DOI 10.1007/s10503-021-09552-4.
J. Visser, B. Konat, R. Duthie, M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2019) Argumentation in the 2016 US Presidential Elections: Annotated corpora of television debates and social media reaction, Language Resources and Evaluation, Springer.
J. Visser, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2018) A Critical Discussion Game for Prohibiting Fallacies, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 27 (4), p. 491-515 (First published online: July 26, 2017).
A. Pease, K. Budzynska, J. Lawrence, C. Reed (2017) Lakatos-style Collaborative Mathematics through Dialectical, Structured and Abstract Argumentation, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 246, 181–219.
C. Reed, K. Budzynska, R. Duthie, M. Janier, B. Konat, J. Lawrence, A. Pease, M. Snaith (2017) The Argument Web: An online ecosystem of tools, systems and services for argumentation, Philosophy and Technology, Volume 30, Issue 2, pp 137–160.
J. Lawrence, J. Park, B. Konat, K. Budzynska, C. Cardie, C. Reed (2017) Using Argumentative Structure to Interpret Debates in Online Deliberative Democracy and eRulemaking, special issue on “Argumentation in Social Media”, Association for Computing Machinery’s Transactions on Internet Technology (ACM TOIT), Volume 17 Issue 3.
J. Lawrence, M. Snaith, B. Konat, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2017) Debating Technology for Dialogical Argument: Sensemaking, Engagement and Analytics, special issue on “Argumentation in Social Media”, Association for Computing Machinery’s Transactions on Internet Technology (ACM TOIT), Volume 17 Issue 3.
K. Budzynska, M. Janier, C. Reed, P. Saint-Dizier (2016) Theoretical Foundations for Illocutionary Structure Parsing, Argument and Computation, IOS Press, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 91-108.
K. Budzynska, M. Araszkiewicz, B. Bogołębska, P. Cap, T. Ciecierski, K. Debowska-Kozlowska, B. Dunin-Kęplicz, M. Dziubiński, M. Federowicz, A. Gomolińska, A. Grabowski, T. Hołówka, Ł. Jochemczyk, M. Kacprzak, P. Kawalec, M. Kielar, A. Kisielewicz, M. Koszowy, R. Kublikowski, P. Kulicki, A. Kuzio, P. Lewiński, J. Z. Lichański, J. Malinowski, W. Marciszewski, E. Nieznański, J. Pietrzak, J. Pogonowski, T. A. Puczyłowski, J. Rytel, A. Sawicka, M. Selinger, A. Skowron, J. Skulska, M. Smolak, M. Sokół, A. Sowińska, P. Stalmaszczyk, T. Stawecki, J. Stepaniuk, A. Strachocka, W. Suchoń, K. Szymanek, J. Tomczyk, R. Trypuz, K. Trzęsicki, M. Urbański, E. Wasilewska-Kamińska, K. A. Wieczorek, M. Witek, U. Wybraniec-Skardowska, O. Yaskorska, M. Załęska, K. Zdanowski and T. Żurek (2014) The Polish School of Argumentation: A Manifesto. Argumentation, Springer, 28(3): 267-282 (first published under Open Access: DOI 10.1007/s10503-014-9320-8).
K. Budzynska, M. Witek (2014) Non-Inferential Aspects of Ad Hominem and Ad Baculum, Argumentation, Springer, 28(3): 301-315 (first published under Open Access: DOI 10.1007/s10503-014-9322-6).
O. Yaskorska, K. Budzynska. M. Kacprzak (2013) Proving Propositional Tautologies in a Natural Dialogue, Fundamenta Informaticae, 128(1-2), pp. 239-253.
K. Budzynska (2013) Circularity in Ethotic Structures. Synthese 190(15): 3185-3207 (first published in 2012 under Open Access: DOI 10.1007/s11229-012-0135-6).
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak (2011) Model checking of persuasion in multi-agent systems, In: M. Koszowy (Ed.) Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 23(36): 99-122.
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak, P. Rembelski (2010) Update of probabilistic beliefs: implementation and parametric verification. Fundamenta Informaticae. 102(1): 35-48.
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak (2010) Changing probabilistic beliefs in persuasion. Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Białostockiej, (6): 23–39.
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak, P. Rembelski (2009) Perseus. Software for analyzing persuasion process. Fundamenta Informaticae. 93(1-3): 65-79.
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak (2009) Formal models for persuasive aspects of argumentation. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric. 16(29): 159–187.
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak (2008) A Logic for Reasoning about Persuasion. Fundamenta Informaticae. (85): 51-65.
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak (2007) Logical Model of Graded Beliefs for a Persuasion Theory. Annals of University of Bucharest. Series in Mathematics and Computer Science. LVI, 49-70.
K. Budzynska (2006) Persuasion. Practical face of logic. Croatian Journal of Philosophy: Epistemology. VI(17): 343-362.
K. Budzynska (2004) Argumentation from Semantic and Pragmatic Perspective. The Logic of Social Research. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric. 7(20): 127-147.
Journal Papers in Polish
M. Federowicz, M. Koszowy, A. Bendrat, K. Białek, K. Biedrzycki, K. Budzyńska, A. Budzyńska-Daca, D. Czaczkowski, P. Francuz, M. Hinton, M. Karpiński, F. Kobiela, R. Kublikowski, Sz. Makuła, M. Selinger, B. Skowron, A. Stefańczyk, W. Suchoń, A. Sułowska, M. Swat-Pawlicka, B. Ścigała-Stiller, E. Wasilewska-Kamińska, K. A. Wieczorek, O. Yaskorska, M. Załęska, M. Zambrowska, T. Żurek, N. Żyluk (2018) Argumentacja w edukacji. Postulaty badań edukacyjnych w Polskiej Szkole Argumentacji (Argumentation in education. Postulates of research on education in Polish School of Argumentation), Studia Semiotyczne, t. XXXII, nr 1, 161–178
K. Budzynska, B. Konat, M. Koszowy (2016) Korpusowe metody badania logosu i etosu (The method of corpus analysis in the study of logos and ethos), Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa, Special issue with papers of the ArgDiaP 2015 conference, 3 (209), 385-404
Szymanek K., Budzyńska K., Czelakowski J., Drukier A., Grabowski A., Kacprzak M., Konat B., Koszowy M., Lewiński P., Łupkowski P., Magdziak M., Paździora M., Pogonowski J., Ryszka-Kurczab M., Rytel J., Selinger M., Skowron B., Trzcieniecka-Schneider I., Urbański M., Wieczorek K. A., Żyluk N. (2016), Co to jest dobry argument? Metoda dyskursu eksperckiego w badaniach nad argumentacją (What is a good argument? The method of expert discourse in argumentation research), Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa, Special issue with papers of the ArgDiaP 2015 conference, 3 (209), p. 313-330
K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2015) Dyskursywne znaki jako źródło i manifestacja inferencyjnych procesów poznawczych (Discursive signs as a source and manifestation of inferential cognitive processes), Studia Semiotyczne, XXVIII-XXIX, s. 173-193
O. Yaskorska, K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy (2015) Różnorodność dialogowych procesów poznawczych, Studia Semiotyczne, XXVIII-XXIX, s.195-228; published in English (2016): The Diversity of Cognitive Processes in a Dialogue, Studia Semiotyczne – English Supplement, vol. XXVIII, 57-94
O. Yaskorska, K. Budzynska (2014) Akty komunikacyjne w dialogach formalnych (Communication Acts in Formal Dialogues), Filozofia Nauki, 3(87), R. XXII, 43-66
K. Budzynska (2013) Retoryczne strategie poznawcze (Rhetorical Strategies for Cognition), Przegląd Filozoficzny – Nowa Seria, 2(86): 253-274.
M. Koszowy, K. Budzyńska, O. Yaskorska (2013) Kryteria poprawności technik komunikacyjno-poznawczych (Criteria of Correctness for the Communicative and Cognitive Techniques), Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa, 2(196): 145-172.
K. Budzynska (2010) Argumentacja jako akt mowy (Argumentation as a speech act) In: J. Grudzińska and J. Odrowąż-Sypniewska (Eds.) Przegląd Filozoficzny – Nowa Seria, 3 (75): 339-358
K. Budzynska, A. Nowacki, J. Skulska (2010) Argumenty, diagramy i Araucaria-PL (Arguments, Diagrams and Araucaria-PL), Forum Artis Rhetoricae, (1-2): 73-95
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak (2010) Komunikacja poza słowami. Studia Semiotyczne, (27): 185-216 [English version Communication beyond words is published in Studia Semiotyczne – English Supplement, vol. XXVII, 2015 (2010), pp. 153-187]
K. Budzynska (2007) Co logik wie o Unii Europejskiej? Logiczne modelowanie wiedzy. (What does a logician know about the European Union? Formal models of knowledge). Legal Studies. Ius et Praxis: Civilization. Europe. Globalization. (02): 83-88
K. Budzynska (2007) Jak przekonywać do procesu integracji europejskiej? Kilka uwag o logice retoryki (How to persuade to the process of European Integration? Remarks on the logic of rhetoric). Legal Studies. Ius et Praxis. (01): 68-73
K. Budzynska (2006) Zastosowania logiki do teorii argumentacji w procesie podejmowania decyzji (Applications of Logic to the Argumentation Theory in the Process of Decision-Making). Annals of the Collegium of Economic Analysis. (15): 11-30, Warsaw School of Economics
Peer-reviewed Conference & Workshop Papers
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy, P. Saint-Dizier, M. Uberna (2024) Analysing Language of the Dynamics of Ethos and Emotions in Rephrased Arguments, Proceedings of 24th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA’24), 17th September 2024, pp 7-17.
He Zhang, Alina Landowska, Katarzyna Budzynska (2023) Detection and Analysis of Moral Values in Argumentation. Proceedings of “Value Engineering in AI” Workshop, affiliated with the 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 30 Sept 2023, Kraków, Poland.
J. M. Alonso, S. Barro, A. Bugarin, K. van Deemter, C. Gardent, A. Gatt, E. Reiter, C. Sierra, M. Theune, N. Tintarev, H. Yano, K. Budzynska (2021) Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Proc. of Workshop on Texture AnalysIs, cLassificatiOn and Retrieval (TAILOR 2020) in conjunction with the 25th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), January 10, 2021, Milan (Italy)
M. H. Demollin, Q. Shaheen, K. Budzynska, C. Sierra (2020) Argumentation Theoretical Frameworks for Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Proc. of 2nd Workshop on Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (NL4XAI2020) as part of the International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG2020), ACL Anthology
M. Pereira-Fariña, M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2019) Dialogical Aspects of Appeals to Authority in Spanish and Polish Disputes About Cultural Objects, Proc. of 9th Conference on Argumentation of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA 2018), SicSat, Amsterdam.
Brian Pluss, Mennatallah El-Assady, Fabian Sperrle, Valentin Gold, Annette Hautli-Janisz, Katarzyna Budzynska, Chris Reed (2018) Augmenting Public Debates through Stream Argumentation Analytics and Visualization, LEipzig symposium on Visualization In Applications (LEVIA), 17-19 October 2018 Leipzig Germany
R. Duthie, K. Budzynska (2018) Classifying Types of Ethos Supports and Attacks, In: Modgil S., Budzynska K. and Lawrence J. (Eds.) Proc. of 7th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2018), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Volume 305, pp. 161 – 168
R. Duthie, K. Budzynska (2018) A Deep Modular RNN Approach for Ethos Mining, Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-18, 4041-4047
R. Duthie, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2016) Mining Ethos in Political Debate, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Proc. of 6th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2016), Pietro Baroni, Thomas F. Gordon, Tatjana Scheffler, Manfred Stede (Eds.), vol. 287, IOS Press, pp. 299-310 (Best Student Paper Prize for Rory Duthie).
M. Janier, M. Snaith, K. Budzynska, J. Lawrence, C. Reed (2016) A System for Dispute Mediation: The Mediation Dialogue Game, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Proc. of 6th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2016), Pietro Baroni, Thomas F. Gordon, Tatjana Scheffler, Manfred Stede (Eds.), vol. 287, IOS Press, pp. 351-358.
J. Lawrence, R. Duthie, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2016) Argument Analytics, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Proc. of 6th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2016), Pietro Baroni, Thomas F. Gordon, Tatjana Scheffler, Manfred Stede (Eds.), vol. 287, IOS Press, pp. 371-378.
R. Duthie, J. Lawrence, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2016) The CASS Technique for Evaluating the Performance of Argument Mining, Proc. of 3rd ArgMin workshop at Association of Computational Linguistics, ACL, pp. 40-49.
B. Konat, J. Lawrence, J. Park, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2016) A Corpus of Argument Networks: Using graph properties to analyse divisive issues, Proc. of the 10th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2016), accepted for publication.
K. Budzynska, A. Rocci, O. Yaskorska (2014) Financial Dialogue Games: A Protocol for Earnings Conference Calls, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Proc. of 5th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument COMMA 2014, Simon Parsons, Nir Oren, Chris Reed, Federico Cerutti (Eds.), IOS Press, (266): 19-30
A. Pease, K. Budzynska, J. Lawrence, C. Reed (2014) Lakatos Games for Mathematical Argument, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Proc. of 5th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument COMMA 2014, Simon Parsons, Nir Oren, Chris Reed, Federico Cerutti (Eds.), IOS Press, (266): 59-66
M. Kacprzak, M. Dziubiński, K. Budzynska (2014) Strategies in Dialogues: A Game-Theoretic Approach, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Proc. of 5th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument COMMA 2014, Simon Parsons, Nir Oren, Chris Reed, Federico Cerutti (Eds.), IOS Press, (266): 333-344
K. Budzynska, M. Janier, J. Kang, C. Reed, P. Saint-Dizier, M. Stede, O. Yaskorska (2014) Towards Argument Mining from Dialogue, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Proc. of 5th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument COMMA 2014, Simon Parsons, Nir Oren, Chris Reed, Federico Cerutti (Eds.), IOS Press, (266): 185-196
K. Budzynska, M. Janier, C. Reed, P. Saint-Dizier, M. Stede, O. Yakorska (2014) A Model for Processing Illocutionary Structures and Argumentation in Debates. Proc. of the 9th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2014), Calzolari et al. (Eds.), pp. 917-924
M. Kacprzak, K. Budzynska (2013) Reasoning about Dialogical Strategies, M. Grana et al. (Eds.): KES 2012, LNAI 7828, pp. 171–184.
O. Yaskorska, M. Kacprzak, K. Budzynska (2012) Rules for Formal and Natural Dialogues in Agent Communication, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming CSP2012 (pp. 416-427). Berlin: Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin.
Floris Bex, Katarzyna Budzynska, Douglas Walton (2012) Argumentation and explanation in the context of dialogue, Proceedings of the Workshop Explanation-aware Computing ExaCt2012, ed. T. Roth-Berghofer, D. B. Leake and J. Cassens, 6-10.
M. Kacprzak, K. Budzynska, O. Yaskorska (2012) A logic for strategies in persuasion dialogue games, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications: Advances in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Edited by Manuel Graña, Carlos Toro, Jorge Posada, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain, IOS Press, (243): 98 – 107
K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2012) The Structure of Ad Hominem Dialogues, In B. Verheij et al. (Eds.) Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2012), IOS Press (245): 410-421
K. Budzynska (2011) Araucaria-PL: Software for Teaching Argumentation Theory, in: Patrick Blackburn, Hans van Ditmarsch, Maria Manzano, Fernando Soler, Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Tools for Teaching Logic (TICTTL 2011), LNCS, LNAI-FOLLI series (6680): 30-37, Springer-Verlag.
Chris Reed, Simon Wells, Mark Snaith, Katarzyna Budzynska, John Lawrence (2011) Using an argument ontology to develop pedagogical tool suites, in: Patrick Blackburn, Hans van Ditmarsch, Maria Manzano, Fernando Soler, Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Tools for Teaching Logic (TICTTL 2011), LNCS, LNAI-FOLLI series (6680): 207–214 Springer-Verlag.
K. Budzynska (2011) Structure of Persuasive Communication and Elaboration Likelihood Model in: Zenker, F. (Ed.) Proc. of OSSA 2011 (Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation). Argumentation: Cognition & Community.
C. Reed, K. Budzynska (2011) How dialogues create arguments In: F. H. van Eemeren, B. Garssen, D. Godden, G. Mitchell (red.) Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Argumentation of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA 2010)
M. Kacprzak, P. Kulicki, R. Trypuz, K. Budzynska, P. Garbacz, M. Lechniak, P. Rembelski (2011) Using the Perseus system for modelling epistemic interactions In: Ngoc-Thanh Nguyen & Ryszard Kowalczyk (Eds.) Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence, LNCS (6910): 106-123, Springer-Verlag
K. Budzynska (2010) Argument Analysis: Components of Interpersonal Argumentation In: P. Baroni et al. (Eds.) Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2010), IOS Press, Amsterdam Berlin Oxford Tokyo Washington, DC., (216): 135-146
C. Reed, S. Wells, K. Budzynska, J. Devereux (2010) Building arguments with argumentation: the role of illocutionary force in computational models of argument In: P. Baroni et al. (Eds.) Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2010), IOS Press, Amsterdam Berlin Oxford Tokyo Washington, DC. (216): 415-426
K. Budzynska, K. Dębowska (2010) Dialogues with conflict resolution: goals and effects In:P. Łupkowski & M. Purver, Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, 59-66.
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak (2010) Formal framework for analysis of agent persuasion dialogue games In: L. Popova-Zeugmannet al. (Eds.) Proc. of Concurrency, Specification and Programming. Humboldt-Univesitaet zu Berlin, (1): 85-96
M. Kacprzak, P. Kulicki, R. Trypuz, K. Budzynska, P. Garbacz, M. Lechniak, P. Rembelski: Using Perseus system for modelling epistemic interactions. Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications. KES-AMSTA 2010, LNCS (6070): 315-324, Springer-Verlag, 2010
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak, P. Rembelski: Update of probabilistic beliefs: implementation and parametric verification. [In] L. Czaja, M. Szczuka (red.) Proc. of Concurrency, Specification and Programming. vol. 1, (2009): 84-95, Warsaw University.
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak, P. Rembelski: Logic for reasoning about components of persuasive actions. [In:] J. Rauch et al. (Eds.) Proc. of ISMIS’09 (18th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems), LNAI 5722 (2009): 201–210, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
K. Budzynska: Reasoning, Argumentation and Persuasion. [In:] J. Ritola (Eds.) Proc. of OSSA (Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation). Argument Cultures, 2009
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak, P. Rembelski: Perseus. Software for analyzing persuasion process. Proc. of Concurrency, Specification and Programming, Humboldt-Univesitaet zu Berlin, 1(2008): 49-60.
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak, P. Rembelski: Investigation into properties of persuasion systems. In: Berndt Farwer and Michael Köhler-Bußmeier (Eds.) Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Logics for Agents and Mobility (LAM’08) (2008):5-26.
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak: Aristotle, Rhetoric and Probability. In: Takeshi Suzuki, Takayuki Kato and Aya Kubota (Eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd Tokyo Conference on Argumentation: Argumentation, the Law & Justice, Tokyo: Japan Debate Association (2008): 23-29
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak, P. Rembelski: Modeling Persuasiveness: change of uncertainty through agents’ interactions. In: P. Besnard, S. Doutre and A. Hunter (eds.) Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Proceedings of COMMA 2008. 172(2008): 85-96, IOS Press, Amsterdam Berlin Oxford Tokyo Washington, DC.
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak: A Logic for Reasoning about Persuasion. Proc. of Concurrency, Specification and Programming. 1(2007): 75-86.
K. Budzynska, M. Kacprzak: Towards a Multi-Valued Logic for Argumentation. Proc. of Concurrency, Specification and Programming. 2(2006): 162-173
Other peer-reviewed papers
M. Koszowy, S. Oswald, K. Budzynska, B. Konat (2020) The Role of Rephrase in Argumentation: Computational and Cognitive Aspects, Proc. of International Workshop on Computational Argumentation and Cognition (COGNITAR 2020), co-located with the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020), 9th June 2020, Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy (2020) An Empirical Turn in Studying Ethos in Argumentation, Proc. of International Workshop on Computational Argumentation and Cognition (COGNITAR 2020), co-located with the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020), 9th June 2020, Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
K. Budzynska, R. Duthie, A. Hautli-Janisz, M. Koszowy, M. Pereira-Fariña, B. Pluss (2019) Ethos Structures in Natural Language, Working Notes of the Sixth International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics (PhiLang 2019), Lodz.
B. Pluss, A. Hautli-Janisz, K. Budzynska and C. Reed (2019) Implicit Logos, Implicit Ethos: Inference Anchoring Theory with Conventional Implicatures, Working Notes of the Sixth International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics (PhiLang 2019), Lodz.
B. Pluss, A. Hautli-Janisz, K. Budzynska, V. Gold and C. Reed (2019) Identifying Enthymematic Conflict in Logos and Ethos Structures through Conventional Implicatures, Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Argumentation (ECA 2019), College Publications, Groningen.
M. Pereira-Fariña, M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska (2019) Are we talking about cultural objects or historical figures? Ethos in the debates on cultural heritage, Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Argumentation (ECA 2019), College Publications, Groningen
B. Pluss, K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2018) Modelling Questions in Public Arbitrations with Inference Anchoring Theory, Working Notes of the of the DGfS Workshop, Why Indeed? Questions at the Interface of Theoretical and Computational Linguistics, Stuttgart
B. Pluss, M. El-Assady, F. Sperrle, V. Gold, K. Budzynska, A. Hautli-Janisz, C. Reed (2018) ADD-up: Visual Analytics for Augmented Deliberative Democracy, Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2018), IOS Press, Warsaw, 471-472
A. Hautli-Janisz, B. Pluss, K. Budzynska, V. Gold, C. Reed (2018) Conventional Implicatures in Computational Argumentation, Working Notes of the Workshop on Argumentation & Philosophy, Warsaw
V. Gold, B. Pluss, M. El-Assady, F. Sperrle, K. Budzynska, A. Hautli-Janisz, C. Reed (2018) Towards Deliberation Analytics: Stream Processing of Argument Data for Deliberative Communication, Working Notes of the Workshop on Argumentation & Society, Warsaw
C. Reed, K. Budzynska, J. Lawrence, M. Pereira-Fariña, D. De Franco, R. Duthie, et al. (2018) Large-scale deployment of argument analytics, Working Notes of the Workshop on Argumentation & Society, Warsaw
K. Budzynska, M. Pereira-Fariña, D. De Franco, R. Duthie, N. Franco-Guillen, A. Hautli-Janisz, M. Janier, M. Koszowy, L. Marinho, E. Musi, A. Pease, B. Pluss, C. Reed and J. Visser (2018) Time-constrained Multi-layer Corpus Creation, 16th ArgDiaP Conference “Argumentation and Corpus Linguistics”
M. Koszowy, K. Budzynska (2016) Towards a Model for Ethotic Structures in Dialogical Context, Foundations of the Language of Argumentation – the workshop at the 6th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2016), 40-47
B. Konat, K. Budzynska, P. Saint-Dizier (2016) Rephrase in Argument Structure, Foundations of the Language of Argumentation – the workshop at the 6th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2016), 32-39
K. Budzynska, M. Koszowy (2014) Introduction: Argument Studies in Poland, Argumentation, vol.3 Springer (first published under Open Access: DOI 10.1007/s10503-014-9319-1)
K. Budzynska, F. H. van Eemeren, M. Koszowy (2014) Preface: From Pragmatics and Dialectics to Argument Studies, Pragmatics and Dialectics of Argument, the argumentation series of the journal Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 36(49)
K. Budzynska, M. Janier, C. Reed, P. Saint-Dizier (2013) Towards Extraction of Dialogical Arguments, Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 2013)
K. Budzynska, C. Reed (2011) Speech Acts of Argumentation: Inference Anchors and Peripheral Cues in Dialogue, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 2011)
K. Budzynska (2010) Towards the Model of Central and Peripheral Arguments, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 2010), 5-9.
F. Bex, K. Budzynska (2010) Argumentation and explanation in the context of dialogue, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 2010), 1-4.
Katarzyna Budzynska, Chris Reed, Manfred Stede, Benno Stein, He Zhang, Eds. (2022) Framing in Communication: From Theories to Computation. Dagstuhl Reports, Dagstuhl, Germany, Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl Publishing, vol. 12, nr 3, p. 117-140.
Katarzyna Budzynska, Serena Villata (2016) Argument Mining, The IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin, 2016-Dec, Vol.17 No.1, p. 1-7